Смотреть что такое "glob" в других словарях:
glob — GLOB, (1, 2) globuri, s.n., (3) globi, s.m. 1. s.n. Corp sferic sau sferoidal. ♦ spec. Corp sferic, de sticlă sau de porţelan, montat la o lampă sau la un bec. ♦ spec. (Şi în sintagmele glob terestru, pământesc sau geografic) Obiect sferic pe a… … Dicționar Român
Glob — may refer to: * glob (programming), an instance of pattern matching behavior * Glob (TV series), an Italian comedy series * The Glob , a 1983 arcade game * Glob (comics), multiple fictional characters in the Marvel Comics universe * GLOB… … Wikipedia
glob — n. 1. a compact mass, especially of a semiliquid or viscous substance; as, a glob of glue fell on my shoe. Syn: ball, clod, lump, clump, chunk. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Glob — ist: ein anderes Wort für Globster Es ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Johannes Ejner Glob (1882–1955), dänischer Maler Peter Vilhelm Glob (1911–1985), dänischer Archäologe Diese Seite ist eine Begri … Deutsch Wikipedia
glob — /glob/, n. 1. a drop or globule of a liquid. 2. a usually rounded quantity or lump of some plastic or moldable substance: a little glob of clay; a huge glob of whipped cream. [1895 1900; perh. b. GLOBE and BLOB] * * * … Universalium
glob — [ glab ] noun count VERY INFORMAL a small amount of a soft thick substance: a glob of wax … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
glob´al|ly — glob|al «GLOH buhl», adjective. 1. spread throughout the world; of the earth as a whole; world wide: »the threat of global war. 2. shaped like a globe; spherical: »a global map. –glob´al|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
glob|al — «GLOH buhl», adjective. 1. spread throughout the world; of the earth as a whole; world wide: »the threat of global war. 2. shaped like a globe; spherical: »a global map. –glob´al|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
glob... — glob... [lateinisch globus »Kugel«, eigentlich »Geballtes«], auch erweitert zu globi..., globo..., Wortbildungselement mit den Bedeutungen: 1) Kugel, z. B. Globule; 2) Erde, Erdkugel, z. B. global … Universal-Lexikon
glob — [glɔb US gla:b] n informal [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Perhaps from globe + blob] a small amount of something soft or liquid that has a round shape = ↑dollop ▪ globs of paint … Dictionary of contemporary English
glob — 1900, perhaps suggested by blob, gob, etc … Etymology dictionary