glaze colours

glaze colours
прозрачные краски

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "glaze colours" в других словарях:

  • On-glaze decoration — On glaze is a method of decorating ceramic articles, where the decoration is applied after it has been glazed. When the ware is fired, or re fired in the case of twice fired ware, the colours fuse into the glaze and so the decoration becomes… …   Wikipedia

  • raku ware — ▪ Japanese earthenware       Japanese lead glazed earthenware, originally invented expressly for the tea ceremony in 16th century Kyōto. Quite distinct from wares that preceded it, raku represents an attempt to arrive at a new kind of beauty by… …   Universalium

  • Cresswell, Staffordshire — This article is about the village near Stoke on Trent. For the village near Stafford, see Creswell, Staffordshire. Coordinates: 52°57′05″N 2°02′15″W / 52.951434°N 2.0 …   Wikipedia

  • pottery — /pot euh ree/, n., pl. potteries. 1. ceramic ware, esp. earthenware and stoneware. 2. the art or business of a potter; ceramics. 3. a place where earthen pots or vessels are made. [1475 85; POTTER1 + Y3] * * * I One of the oldest and most… …   Universalium

  • arts, East Asian — Introduction       music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature.       Some studies of East Asia… …   Universalium

  • Iranian pottery — Pottery vessel, fourth millennium B.C. The Sialk collection of Tehran s National Museum of Iran …   Wikipedia

  • Chinese ceramics — Ming covered red jar with dragon and sea design from the Jiajing reign Chinese ceramic ware shows a continuous development since the pre dynastic periods, and is one of the most significant forms of Chinese art. China is richly endowed with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Maiolica — Istoriato decoration on a plate from Castel Durante, c.1550 1570 (Musée des Beaux Arts de Lille) Maiolica[1] is Italian tin glazed pottery dating from the Renaissance. It is decorated in bright colours on a white background, frequently depicting… …   Wikipedia

  • celadon — /sel euh don , dn/, n. 1. any of several Chinese porcelains having a translucent, pale green glaze. 2. any porcelain imitating these. 3. a pale gray green. adj. 4. having the color celadon. [1760 70; named after Céladon, name of a character in L… …   Universalium

  • porcelain — porcelaneous, porcellaneous /pawr seuh lay nee euhs, pohr /, adj. /pawr seuh lin, pohr ; pawrs lin, pohrs /, n. 1. a strong, vitreous, translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a low temperature, the glaze then fired at a very high… …   Universalium

  • Tin-glazing — is the process of giving ceramic items a tin based glaze which is white, shiny and opaque, normally applied to red or buff earthenware.The earliest tin glazed pottery appears to have been made in Iraq/Mesopotamia in the 9th century, the oldest… …   Wikipedia

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