glass-ceramic sealant

glass-ceramic sealant

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "glass-ceramic sealant" в других словарях:

  • Insulated glazing — (IG) also known as double glazing are double or triple glass window panes separated by an air or other gas filled space to reduce heat transfer across a part of the building envelope. Glass in windows is used to provide light and allow a view… …   Wikipedia

  • Seal (mechanical) — Compression seal example A mechanical seal is a device which helps join systems or mechanisms together by preventing leakage (e.g., in a plumbing system), containing pressure, or excluding contamination. The effectiveness of a seal is dependent… …   Wikipedia

  • Tile — For other uses, see Tile (disambiguation). Decorative tilework in Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan, Iran early 17th century A tile is a manufactured piece of hard wearing material such as ceramic, stone, metal, or even glass. Tiles are generally …   Wikipedia

  • automobile — automobilist /aw teuh meuh bee list, moh bi list/, n. /aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh moh beel, beuhl/, n. 1. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel… …   Universalium

  • Silicone grease — is a waterproof grease made by combining a silicone oil with a thickener. Most commonly, the silicone oil is polydimethylsiloxane and the thickener is amorphous fumed silica. Using this formulation, silicone grease is a translucent white viscous… …   Wikipedia

  • Countertop — A stainless steel countertop Countertop (also counter top, counter, benchtop, (British English) worktop, or (Australian English) kitchen bench) usually refers to a horizontal worksurface in kitchens or other food preparation areas, bathrooms or… …   Wikipedia

  • Nasir Gilani Syed — is Certified Project Manager with Masters in International Project Management and Bachelors in Civil Engineering.He has a History of turning “Break Even” projects into profitable projects through delivery of cost effective, sustainable and effect …   Wikipedia

  • Roof — A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather. Structures that require roofs range from a letter box to a cathedral or stadium, dwellings being the most… …   Wikipedia

  • Collage — For other uses, see Collage (disambiguation). Kurt Schwitters, Das Undbild, 1919, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart A collage (From the French: coller, to glue, French pronunciation: [kɔ.laːʒ]) is a work of formal art, primarily in the vi …   Wikipedia

  • Expansion joint — For the railway specific expansion joints, see Breather switch. Expansion joint on a bridge An expansion joint or movement joint is an assembly designed to safely absorb the heat induced expansion and contraction of various construction materials …   Wikipedia

  • List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles — This list contains chemical elements, materials, isotopes or (sub)atomic particle that exist primarily in works of fiction (usually fantasy or science fiction). No actual periodic elements end in ite , though many minerals have names with this… …   Wikipedia

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