
1) постройка; строение; здание; сооружение; комплекс зданий
2) застройка здания
3) строительный

building in series — серийное производство

- abutting buildings - accessory building - additional building - administrative building - air-conditioned building - ancillary building - arch building - basic building - bay-type building - bay-type industrial building - bridge building - business building - civic building - cold-weather building - community building - concrete-steel building - control building - convertible building - deckhead building - detached building - detention building - dilapidated building - domestic building - ecclesiastical building - engine building - engineering building - exhibition building - fabricated building - flat building - framed building - frame-panel building - functional building - hall building - hall-type industrial building - heapstead building - high-density apartment building - high-rise apartment building - high-rise building - intelligent building - integrated building - jerry building - line building - low-rise apartment building - market building - medium-rise apartment building - memorial building - mill building - model building - modular building - monastic building - multispan industrial building - multispan complex industrial building - multistorey apartment building - multistoreyed building - multistoreyed garage building - municipal building - office building - one-storey building - pavilion-like building - prefabricated building - prefabricated reusable building - process building - production building - pseudodipteral building - public building - railroad building - residence building - residential building - residential and community building - ribbon building - ruinous building - sectional building - set-back building - single-aisle building - single-storey building - smallholding building - speculative building - speculative building of flats - sporadic building - sport building - sports building - standardized building - station building - steel frame mill building - stone building - storage building - store building - stressed-skin building - system building - temporal building - temporary building - tenement building - theatre building - tier building - timber building - tower building - towerlike building - two-aisle building - tyre building - universal building - walk-up building - water-conditioning building
* * *
1.   здание; сооружение; постройка; строение; корпус
2.   строительство; возведение зданий

building constructed to 12 m grid — здание с сеткой колонн 12*12 м

building ready for moving-in — здание «под ключ»

building up of surface layer — нанесение поверхностного слоя (напр. бетона при торкретировании)

- above-grade building
- above-ground building
- abutting buildings
- accessory building
- administration building
- agricultural building
- agricultural production building
- airport building
- all-brick building
- all-metal building
- ancillary building
- arch building
- bank building
- bearing-wall building
- beautifully detailed building
- bedroom building
- bridge building
- central-corridor residential building
- centralized building
- centrally-planned building
- cherished building
- civic building
- cold-weather building
- communal building
- complicated building
- concrete building
- concrete-frame building
- curved building
- demountable building
- domestic building
- earthquake resistance building
- earth-sheltered building
- ecclesiastic building
- educational building
- energy-efficient building
- expo building
- factory building
- factory-built building
- farm building
- fireproof building
- framed building
- frame building
- functional building
- government building
- great public building
- heavy industrial building
- heightened building
- high-rise building
- historic building
- home building
- hostel building
- industrial building
- industrialized building
- industrial production building
- inflatable building
- integrated building
- large-panel building
- light industrial building
- line building
- link building
- loft building
- low-energy building
- low rise building
- main building
- manufacturing building
- memorial building
- mill building
- minor industrial building
- module-built building
- multicompartment building
- multifamily residential building
- multipurpose building
- multistory building
- multiuse building
- municipal buildings
- neighboring buildings
- nondomestic building
- nonresidential building
- office building
- permanent buildings
- portal framed building
- porticoed building
- post-frame building
- post-tensioned building
- precast concrete building
- precast concrete demountable building
- precast concrete framed building
- pre-engineered metal building
- prefabricated building
- pressurized building
- production building
- public building
- public service buildings
- quickly erected building
- racetrack building
- railway buildings
- raised building
- ramshackle building
- rectilinear building
- relocatable building
- repellent looking building
- residence building
- ribbon building
- riverside building
- school building
- science building
- set-back building
- single story building
- site-cast concrete building
- skeleton building
- solar building
- split-level building
- sports building
- steel building
- steel-framed building
- steel-frame building
- steel framed multistory buildings
- storage building
- stuccoed building
- subtle building
- systems building
- tall block building
- tapering building
- temporary buildings
- terminal building
- terraced buildings
- three-dimensional module house building
- three-dimensional house building
- three-floored building
- tier building
- tower building
- tropical building
- turn-key type building
- typical apartment building
- unassertive building
- unit-built building
- university building
- unserviceable building
- ventilation building
- walk-up building
- waterside building
- wing-shaped building
- winter building

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "building" в других словарях:

  • building — I (business of assembling) noun aedificatio, amalgamation, architecture, arrangement, assembling, causation, collocation, compilation, composition, compounding, conformation, conjunction, constitution, construction, contriving, craftsmanship,… …   Law dictionary

  • building — build‧ing [ˈbɪldɪŋ] noun [uncountable] PROPERTY the business of building houses, offices, factories etc: • The building industry is still in recession. * * * building UK US /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ noun ► [C] PROPERTY a structure with walls and a roof, for… …   Financial and business terms

  • building — [ b(ɥ)ildiŋ ] n. m. • 1895; mot angl. amér., de to build « construire » ♦ Anglic., vieilli Vaste immeuble moderne, à nombreux étages. ⇒ gratte ciel, 1. tour. « Le building monte ! vingt puits d ascenseurs le perforent de bout en bout » (Duhamel) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Building 19 — Building #19 is a chain of discount stores in New England. The main Building #19 store is located in Weymouth, Massachusetts; other stores have a fraction appended to their name (such as Building 19½, in Burlington or Building #19¾, in Norwood).… …   Wikipedia

  • Building 20 — was the name used to refer to the building on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, originally as a temporary structure, during World War II. It housed the Radiation Laboratory (or Rad Lab ), where fundamental advances in… …   Wikipedia

  • building — n Building, edifice, structure, pile are comparable when they mean a construction (as of wood, brick, or stone) intended to house a family, a business, or an institution. Building is the common and in most cases the adequate term {a school… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • building — BUÍLDING s. v. zgârie nori. Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime  BUILDING s.n. (Rar) Clădire modernă de mari dimensiuni. [pron. bíl din. / < engl. building]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.11.2004. Sursa: DN  BUILDING [BIL DING] s. n.… …   Dicționar Român

  • building — [bil′diŋ] n. 1. anything that is built with walls and a roof, as a house or factory; structure 2. the act, process, work, or business of constructing houses, ships, etc. SYN. BUILDING is the general term applied to a fixed structure in which… …   English World dictionary

  • Building — Build ing, n. 1. The act of constructing, erecting, or establishing. [1913 Webster] Hence it is that the building of our Sion rises no faster. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] 2. The art of constructing edifices, or the practice of civil architecture.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • building — ► NOUN 1) a structure with a roof and walls. 2) the process or trade of building houses and other structures …   English terms dictionary

  • Building 55 — was an EP released in 1999 by Canadian singer songwriter Kathleen Edwards. Only 500 copies of the EP were printed, and it has become a highly sought after collector s item following the success of Edwards subsequent albums Failer , Back To Me and …   Wikipedia

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