- gel water
- вода, поглощённая гелем в цементном растворе
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
gel-1 — gel 1 English meaning: “to curl; round, *gland, growth, ball, fathom, arm” Deutsche Übersetzung: “ballen, sich ballen; Gerundetes, Kugeliges” etc Material: evidence for the unadjusted root form are seldom and partly very doubtful … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
gel-2 and gʷel- — gel 2 and gʷel English meaning: to devour Deutsche Übersetzung: “verschlingen” Note: the form with gʷ presumably after Osthoff IF. 4, 287, Zupitza Gutt. 86 through hybridization from gel with gʷer . Material: A. certainly gel… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Gel permeation chromatography — (GPC) is a separation technique based on hydrodynamic volume (size in solution). Molecules are separated from one another based on differences in molecular size. This technique is often used for polymer molecular weight determination. GPC is… … Wikipedia
gel(ǝ)-3 — gel(ǝ) 3 English meaning: cold Deutsche Übersetzung: “kalt, frieren” Material: Lat. gelū (also gelus, ūs and gelum, ī) “coldness, frost”, gelidus “cold”, gelō, üre “ congeal, freeze “; Osc. γελαν “πάχνην” (Steph. Byz.); Gk.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
gel|a|tin — «JEHL uh tuhn», noun. 1. an odorless, tasteless, protein substance like glue or jelly, obtained by boiling the bones, hoofs, and other waste parts of animals. It dissolves easily in hot water and is used in making jellied salads and desserts,… … Useful english dictionary
Gel — For other uses, see Gel (disambiguation). An upturned vial of hair gel A gel (from the lat. gelu freezing, cold, ice or gelatus frozen, immobile) is a solid, jelly like material that can have properties ranging from soft and weak to hard and… … Wikipedia
Gel pen — A gel pen uses ink in which pigment is suspended in a water based gel. [ [http://pubs.acs.org/isubscribe/journals/cinnov/31/i09/html/09lw.html The Last Word: Just for the gel of it] ] Because the ink is thick and opaque, it shows up more clearly… … Wikipedia
Water gel explosive — A water gel explosive is an explosive mixture (slurry) consisting of a saturated aqueous solution of oxidizers and/or fuels. [ [http://www.ncjrs.gov/txtfiles1/nij/178913.txt Guide for the Selection of Commercial Explosives Detection] ] Tovex is… … Wikipedia
Water fluoridation — Fluoridation does not affect the appearance, taste or smell of drinking water.[1] Water fluoridation is the controlled addition of fluoride to a public water supply to reduce tooth decay. Fluoridated water has flu … Wikipedia
Gel extraction — In molecular biology, gel extraction or gel isolation is a technique used to isolate a desired fragment of intact DNA from an agarose gel following agarose gel electrophoresis. After extraction, fragments of interest can be mixed, precipitated,… … Wikipedia
gel — 1. A jelly, or the solid or semisolid phase of a colloidal solution. SYN: gelatum. 2. To form a g. or jelly; to convert a sol into a g.. [Mod. L. gelatum] colloidal g. a colloid that has developed resistance … Medical dictionary