fundamental standard

fundamental standard
основной стандарт

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "fundamental standard" в других словарях:

  • fundamental standard — pagrindinis etalonas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Pagrindinio dydžio matavimo vieneto etalonas. atitikmenys: angl. fundamental standard vok. Grundnormal, n rus. основной эталон, m pranc. étalon fondamental, m …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • fundamental standard — pagrindinis etalonas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fundamental standard vok. Grundnormal, n rus. основной эталон, m; эталон прототип, m pranc. étalon fondamental, m; étalon prototype, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • fundamental right — n: a right that is considered by a court (as the U.S. Supreme Court) to be explicitly or implicitly expressed in a constitution (as the U.S. Constitution) ◇ A court must review a law that infringes on a fundamental right under a standard of… …   Law dictionary

  • standard — n 1 *flag, ensign, banner, color, streamer, pennant, pendant, pennon, jack 2 Standard, criterion, gauge, yardstick, touchstone can all mean a measure by which one judges a thing as authentic, good, or adequate or the degree to which it is… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fundamental fairness — fun·da·men·tal fairness n 1: the balance or impartiality (of a court proceeding) that is essential to due process 2: a subjective standard by which a court proceeding is deemed to have followed due process Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… …   Law dictionary

  • standard — [adj] regular, approved accepted, authoritative, average, basic, boilerplate*, canonical, classic, common, customary, definitive, established, everyday, garden variety*, general, normal, official, orthodox, popular, prevailing, recognized,… …   New thesaurus

  • Fundamental polygon — In mathematics, each closed surface in the sense of geometric topology can be constructed from an even sided oriented polygon, called a fundamental polygon, by pairwise identification of its edges. Fundamental parallelogram defined by a pair of… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Model — The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory that describes three of the four known fundamental interactions together with the elementary particles that take part in these interactions. These particles make up all matter in the universe… …   Wikipedia

  • Fundamental interaction — In physics, a fundamental interaction or fundamental force is a mechanism by which particles interact with each other, and which cannot be explained in terms of another interaction. Overview In the conceptual model of fundamental interactions,… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard of review — In law, the standard of review is the amount of deference given by one court (or some other appellate tribunal) in reviewing a decision of a lower court or tribunal. A low standard of review means that the decision under review will be varied or… …   Wikipedia

  • Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties of India — The Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Duties are sections of the Constitution of India that prescribe the fundamental obligations of the Statefn|° to its citizens and the duties of the citizens to the State …   Wikipedia

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