fuel pump

fuel pump
топливный насос

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "fuel pump" в других словарях:

  • Fuel pump — should not be confused with fuel dispenser, a device that dispenses fuel into an automobile. A high pressure fuel pump on a Yanmar 2GM20 marine diesel engine. A fuel pump is a frequently (but not always) essential component on a car or other… …   Wikipedia

  • fuel pump — A vacuum device, operated either mechanically or electrically, that is used to draw gasoline from the tank and sends it into the carburetor or fuel injector nozzles. Mechanical pumps have a rocker arm that is activated by a cam on the camshaft;… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • fuel pump — noun : a pump in a motor vehicle that propels liquid fuel from the tank to the carburetor * * * fuel pump, a pump in an engine that forces the liquid fuel from the tank to the carburetor or combustion chamber …   Useful english dictionary

  • fuel pump — kuro siurblys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. fuel pump vok. Einspritzpumpe, f rus. топливный насос, m pranc. pompe à combustible, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • fuel pump — kuro siurblys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fuel pump vok. Brennstoffpumpe, f rus. топливный насос, m pranc. pompe à combustible, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • fuel pump shut-off switch — A switch which shuts off the electric fuel pump and fuel to the engine in the event of a major collision …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • fuel pump switch — A switch which shuts off the electric fuel pump and fuel to the engine in the event of a major collision …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • fuel pump — /ˈfjuəl pʌmp/ (say fyoohuhl pump) noun 1. a mechanical or electrical mechanism which sends fuel from the fuel tank to the engine of a motor vehicle. 2. a pump which is driven by a motor which runs on fuel …  

  • Fuel control unit — is the generic term given to any of several types of control systems for gas turbine engines.Fundamentals of turbine engine controlGas turbine engines are primarily controlled by the amount of fuel supplied to the combustion chambers. With this… …   Wikipedia

  • auxiliary fuel pump — An electrical driven pump that supplies fuel to the engine either while starting or in the case of failure of an engine driven pump …   Aviation dictionary

  • variable-stroke fuel pump — A type of high pressure pump normally used in the fuel system and sometimes in the hydraulic system, whose output can be varied, as required. This is done by varying the stroke of the piston by altering the swash plate angle. Also known as a… …   Aviation dictionary

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