forge bellows

forge bellows
кузнечные мехи

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "forge bellows" в других словарях:

  • Bellows — For other uses, see Bellows (disambiguation). Diagram of a fireplace hand bellows. A bellows is a device for delivering pressurized air in a controlled quantity to a controlled location. Basically, a bellows is a deformable container which has an …   Wikipedia

  • Forge — (f[=o]rj), n. [F. forge, fr. L. fabrica the workshop of an artisan who works in hard materials, fr. faber artisan, smith, as adj., skillful, ingenious; cf. Gr. ? soft, tender. Cf. {Fabric}.] 1. A place or establishment where iron or other metals… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forge cinder — Forge Forge (f[=o]rj), n. [F. forge, fr. L. fabrica the workshop of an artisan who works in hard materials, fr. faber artisan, smith, as adj., skillful, ingenious; cf. Gr. ? soft, tender. Cf. {Fabric}.] 1. A place or establishment where iron or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forge rolls — Forge Forge (f[=o]rj), n. [F. forge, fr. L. fabrica the workshop of an artisan who works in hard materials, fr. faber artisan, smith, as adj., skillful, ingenious; cf. Gr. ? soft, tender. Cf. {Fabric}.] 1. A place or establishment where iron or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forge train — Forge Forge (f[=o]rj), n. [F. forge, fr. L. fabrica the workshop of an artisan who works in hard materials, fr. faber artisan, smith, as adj., skillful, ingenious; cf. Gr. ? soft, tender. Cf. {Fabric}.] 1. A place or establishment where iron or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forge wagon — Forge Forge (f[=o]rj), n. [F. forge, fr. L. fabrica the workshop of an artisan who works in hard materials, fr. faber artisan, smith, as adj., skillful, ingenious; cf. Gr. ? soft, tender. Cf. {Fabric}.] 1. A place or establishment where iron or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • forge — forge1 forgeable, adj. forger, n. /fawrj, fohrj/, v., forged, forging. n. v.t. 1. to form by heating and hammering; beat into shape. 2. to form or make, esp. by concentrated effort: to forge a friendship through mutual trust. 3 …   Universalium

  • Forge — For the process of shaping metal by localized compressive forces, see Forging. For other uses, see Forge (disambiguation). A blacksmith s coal forge …   Wikipedia

  • bellows — bellowslike, adj. /bel ohz, euhz/, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) 1. a device for producing a strong current of air, consisting of a chamber that can be expanded to draw in air through a valve and contracted to expel it through a tube. 2.… …   Universalium

  • Bellows — /bel ohz/, n. George Wesley, 1882 1925, U.S. painter and lithographer. * * * Mechanical contrivance for creating a jet of air, consisting usually of a hinged box with flexible sides, which expands to draw in air through an inward opening valve… …   Universalium

  • American forge — Forge Forge (f[=o]rj), n. [F. forge, fr. L. fabrica the workshop of an artisan who works in hard materials, fr. faber artisan, smith, as adj., skillful, ingenious; cf. Gr. ? soft, tender. Cf. {Fabric}.] 1. A place or establishment where iron or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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