foot drive

foot drive
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "foot drive" в других словарях:

  • drive — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 trip by car ADJECTIVE ▪ long ▪ easy, short ▪ eight hour, sixty mile, etc. ▪ leisurely …   Collocations dictionary

  • Drive You Home Again — Studio album by Chris Smither Released May 16, 1999 …   Wikipedia

  • drive — [drīv] vt. drove, driven, driving [ME driven < OE drifan, akin to Goth dreiban, Ger treiben, ON drīfa < IE base * dhreibh , to push] 1. to force to go; urge onward; push forward 2. to force into or from a state or act [driven mad] 3. to… …   English World dictionary

  • Drive-thru voting — describes the method of voting in an election whereby completed ballot papers submitted by placing them in a drop box. Drive thru voting is an alternative to having voters go in person to a polling station, vote electronically via an electronic… …   Wikipedia

  • foot route — A city route on which the letter carrier walks to deliver the mail rather than drive a vehicle as done on a mounted route …   Glossary of postal terms

  • foot — [[t]f ʊt[/t]] ♦ feet 1) N COUNT Your feet are the parts of your body that are at the ends of your legs, and that you stand on. She stamped her foot again. ...a foot injury. ...his aching arms and sore feet. Derived words: footed COMB in ADJ She… …   English dictionary

  • foot — foot1 [ fut ] (plural feet [ fit ] ) noun *** ▸ 1 body part ▸ 2 unit of length ▸ 3 bottom of something ▸ 4 end of something ▸ 5 in poetry ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count the part of your body at the end of your leg, on which you stand: Mary slid her feet… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Drive-through — For the 2007 film, see Drive Thru (film). For the Tenacious D song, see Tenacious D (album). For the auto racing penalty, see Drive through (auto racing). Maid Rite in Springfield, Illinois, is one claimant of the first drive thru window …   Wikipedia

  • Foot us — Football américain Pour les articles homonymes, voir Football (homonymie). Football américain Fédérations IFAF, NFL et NCAA Principales compétitions National Football League Championnat NCAA Coupe du monde IFAF …   Wikipédia en Français

  • drive Irish tandem — verb To walk; to go by foot. He was driving Irish tandem, but perhaps I talk at random – / Id forgotten for a moment you are not all mulga bred; / What I means he had his swag up through his having knocked his nag up …   Wiktionary

  • have a lead foot — drive at excessive speeds, drive too fast …   English contemporary dictionary

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