
1) кисть; щётка
2) кустарник; хворост

brush for pipeline backside painting — кисть для окраски тыльной стороны трубопровода

to brush a road — выстилать слабые участки дороги сучьями, хворостом

to brush on — наносить кистью (напр. краску)

to brush out — корчевать

to soak a brush in a drying oil — размачивать кисть в олифе

to soften a brush — мягчить кисть

- comb-type brush - decoration paint brush - distemper brush - grainer brush - hair brush - jamb duster brush - kolinsky brush - lime brush - limewash brush - radiator painting brush - roofing brush - round brush - sprinkling brush - varnish brush
* * *
кисть; щётка
- finishing brush
- flat paint brush
- ground brush
- paint brush
- paperhanging brush

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "brush" в других словарях:

  • Brush — (br[u^]sh), n. [OE. brusche, OF. broche, broce, brosse, brushwood, F. brosse brush, LL. brustia, bruscia, fr. OHG. brusta, brust, bristle, G. borste bristle, b[ u]rste brush. See {Bristle}, n., and cf. {Browse}.] 1. An instrument composed of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brush — Brush, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Brushed} (br[u^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Brushing}.] [OE. bruschen; cf. F. brosser. See {Brush}, n.] 1. To apply a brush to, according to its particular use; to rub, smooth, clean, paint, etc., with a brush. A brushes… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brush — brush1 [brush] n. [ME brushe < OFr broce, brosse, bush, brushwood < VL * bruscia < Gmc * bruskaz, underbrush: for IE base see BREAST] 1. BRUSHWOOD ☆ 2. sparsely settled country, covered with wild scrub growth 3. a) a device having… …   English World dictionary

  • Brush — bezeichnet: eine Kleinstadt im US Bundesstaat Colorado, siehe Brush (Colorado) Pinsel bzw. Pinselspitzen für Grafikprogramme, siehe Digitales Malen im Leveldesign von Computerspielen das Volumen, die Wände, Decken und andere räumliche Gebilde,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Brush — /brush/, n. Katharine, 1902 52, U.S. novelist and short story writer. * * * ▪ art       device composed of natural or synthetic fibres set into a handle that is used for cleaning, grooming, polishing, writing, or painting. Brushes were used by… …   Universalium

  • brush — brush·a·bil·i·ty; brush; brush·ite; brush·less; sage·brush; sage·brush·er; scratch·brush·er; brush·er; brush·man; …   English syllables

  • brush — vb Brush, graze, glance, shave, skim are comparable when they mean to touch lightly in passing. Brush implies a movement like the flick of a brush upon a surface: sometimes it suggests no more than an almost impalpable touching, but sometimes it… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • brush|y — brush|y1 «BRUHSH ee», adjective, brush|i|er, brush|i|est. like a brush; rough and shaggy. ╂[< brush1 + y1] brush …   Useful english dictionary

  • brush-on — /brush on , awn /, adj. 1. fit to be applied with a brush: a brush on paint remover. n. 2. a substance that can be applied with a brush: The varnish dries more quickly than most brush ons. [adj., n. use of v. phrase brush on] * * * …   Universalium

  • brush — Ⅰ. brush [1] ► NOUN 1) an implement with a handle and a block of bristles, hair, or wire, used especially for cleaning, smoothing, or painting. 2) an act of brushing. 3) a slight and fleeting touch. 4) a brief encounter with something bad or… …   English terms dictionary

  • brush-on — /brush on , awn /, adj. 1. fit to be applied with a brush: a brush on paint remover. n. 2. a substance that can be applied with a brush: The varnish dries more quickly than most brush ons. [adj., n. use of v. phrase brush on] …   Useful english dictionary

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