flow quantity

flow quantity
1) объём стока
2) расход воды

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "flow quantity" в других словарях:

  • Flow — may refer to:In science and technology: *Dataflow, computing term related to the flow of messages between software components *Environmental flow, the amount of water necessary in a watercourse to maintain a healthy ecosystem *Flow (computer… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantity surveyor — A quantity surveyor (QS) or cost engineer is a professional person working within the construction industry. The role of the QS is, in general terms, to manage and control costs within construction projects and may involve the use of a range of… …   Wikipedia

  • Flow chemistry — In flow chemistry, a chemical reaction is run in a continuously flowing stream rather than in batch production. In other words, pumps move fluid into a tube, and where tubes join one another, the fluids contact one another. If these fluids are… …   Wikipedia

  • flow — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English flōwan; akin to Old High German flouwen to rinse, wash, Latin pluere to rain, Greek plein to sail, float Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. a. (1) to issue or move in a stream (2)… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Flow control structure — A flow control structure is some type of construction that alters the flow of water in some way. As a group these are passive structures since they operate without intervention under different amounts of water flow and their impact changes based… …   Wikipedia

  • flow — 1. To bleed from the uterus less profusely than in flooding. 2. The menstrual discharge. 3. Movement of a liquid or gas; specifically, the volume of liquid or gas passing a given point per unit of …   Medical dictionary

  • flow-mass curve —    1. A mass curve with runoff discharge as a hydrologic quantity [16].    2. The integral of the curve of a hydrograph [16] …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • quantity — Synonyms and related words: Alexandrine, a mass of, a world of, abundance, accent, accentuation, accommodation, account, acres, affluence, aggregate, amount, amphibrach, amphimacer, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplitude, anacrusis, anapest,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • quantity of electricity — A product of the flow of electricity (current) and time during which it flows. The term may also refer to a charge of electricity …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Dimensionless quantity — In dimensional analysis, a dimensionless quantity or quantity of dimension one is a quantity without an associated physical dimension. It is thus a pure number, and as such always has a dimension of 1.[1] Dimensionless quantities are widely used… …   Wikipedia

  • Balanced flow — In atmospheric science, balanced flow is an idealisation of atmospheric motion. The idealisation consists in considering the behaviour of one isolated parcel of air having constant density, its motion on a horizontal plane subject to selected… …   Wikipedia

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