- floppy disk
- гибкий диск, дискета; накопитель на гибких дисках
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Floppy disk — Floppy redirects here. For other uses, see Floppy (disambiguation). 8 inch, 5 1⁄4 inch, and 3 1⁄2 inch floppy disks … Wikipedia
Floppy Disk — Floppy (umgangssprachlich); Diskette; Floppy Disc * * * Flọp|py Dịsk 〈f. 10; EDV〉 = Diskette; oV Floppy Disc [engl., „schlaffe (= biegsame) Scheibe“] * * * Flọp|py Disk , Floppy Disc, die; , s [engl. floppy disk, aus: floppy = weich u. biegsam … Universal-Lexikon
floppy disk — ➔ disk * * * floppy disk UK US noun [C] (also diskette, also floppy) IT ► a square piece of plastic with a disk inside, which can be used for storing a small amount of computer information. Floppy disks have been mainly replaced by CDs and flash… … Financial and business terms
floppy disk — noun count COMPUTING * a small square plastic object that you use for copying information from a computer. A floppy disk is often simply called a floppy or a disk. The part of the computer where you put the floppy disk is called a disk drive:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
floppy disk — floppy disks N COUNT A floppy disk is a small magnetic disk that is used for storing computer data and programs. Floppy disks are used especially with personal computers. (in BRIT, also use floppy disc) … English dictionary
floppy disk — / flɒpi disk/, it. / flɔp:i disk/ locuz. ingl. (propr. disco morbido ), usata in ital. come s.m. (inform.) [disco magnetico usato per memorizzare dati negli elaboratori elettronici] ▶◀ (fam.) dischetto, floppy, minidisco. ‖ hard disk … Enciclopedia Italiana
floppy disk — /floppiˈdisk, ingl. ˈflHpɪˌdɪsk/ [vc. ingl., comp. di floppy «allentato, floscio» e disk «disco»] s. m. inv. (elab.) dischetto, minidisco CFR. hard disk … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
floppy disk — {{hw}}{{floppy disk}}{{/hw}}(elab.) Disco magnetico flessibile per la registrazione dei dati; CONFR. Hard disk. ETIMOLOGIA: voce ingl., comp. di floppy ‘allentato, molle’ (da (to) flop ‘lasciare cadere’) e disk ‘disco’ … Enciclopedia di italiano
floppy disk — also floppy n a square piece of plastic that you can store computer information on, and which you can remove from and put into a computer →↑hard disk … Dictionary of contemporary English
Floppy Disk — Floppy Disk, Flop·py·disk [ flɔpi dɪsk] die; , s; eine flexible Kunststoffscheibe, auf der man Daten speichern kann und die man für Computer verwendet … Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
floppy disk — n. a small, flexible, relatively inexpensive computer disk for storing data, esp. in smaller computers … English World dictionary