floor hardener

floor hardener
материал, придающий поверхности пола твёрдость

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "floor hardener" в других словарях:

  • Polished concrete — Black basalt polished concrete floor Polished concrete is concrete that has been treated with a chemical densifier and ground with progressively finer grinding tools. The grinding tools are usually progressive grits of diamond grinding cup wheels …   Wikipedia

  • Paint — For other uses, see Paint (disambiguation). Paints redirects here. For the baseball team, see Chillicothe Paints. Dried green paint Paint is any liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition which after application to a substrate in a thin layer is… …   Wikipedia

  • Plastic — is the general common term for a wide range of synthetic or semisynthetic organic solid materials suitable for the manufacture of industrial products. Plastics are typically polymers of high molecular weight, and may contain other substances to… …   Wikipedia

  • Decorative concrete — Stamped Concrete in various patterns, highlighted with acid stain) Decorative concrete is the use of concrete as not simply a utilitarian medium for construction but as an aesthetic enhancement to a structure, while still serving its function as… …   Wikipedia

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