floating weight

floating weight
плунжерный груз

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "floating weight" в других словарях:

  • Floating raft system — Floating raft is type of land based foundation, invented by John Wellborn Root, that protects against settlement and the liquefaction of soft soil due to seismic activity. It was a necessary innovation in the development of tall buildings in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Floating city (science fiction) — In science fiction, floating cities are settlements that strictly use buoyancy to remain in the atmosphere of a planet. However the term generally refers to any city that is flying, hovering, or otherwise suspended in the air via any means… …   Wikipedia

  • Weight — This article is about the physical concept. For other uses, see Weight (disambiguation). A spring scale measures the weight of an object (according to the operational definition) …   Wikipedia

  • Floating Battery of Charleston Harbor — The Floating Battery of Charleston Harbor was an ironclad vessel that was constructed by the Confederacy in early 1861, a few months before the American Civil War ignited. Apart from being a marvel to contemporary Charlestonians, it was a… …   Wikipedia

  • Floating shelf — A floating shelf is a form of shelf designed so as to avoid showing any unsightly brackets, appearing as though it is floating on the wall. Design and Use A floating shelf is designed to fit within a minimalist decor by hiding the supporting… …   Wikipedia

  • Floating floor — A Floating Floor is a floor that does not need to be nailed or glued to the subfloor. The term floating floor refers to the installation method, but is often used synonymously with laminate flooring in a domestic context.A sprung floor is a… …   Wikipedia

  • floating foundation — a foundation used in yielding soil, having for its footing a raft tending to displace a weight greater than that of the building. * * * …   Universalium

  • floating axle — noun : a live axle used in a self propelled vehicle to turn the wheels, the dead weight of the vehicle being carried on the ends of a fixed axle housing or casing …   Useful english dictionary

  • floating foundation — noun : a building support on soft soil that consists of a stiff reinforced concrete slab which distributes the concentrated loads by columns to the soil so that the pressure intensity on the soil is nowhere more than the acceptable amount * * * a …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mass versus weight — The chains on the swing hold all the child’s weight. If one were to stand behind her at the bottom of the arc and try to stop her, one would be acting against her inertia, which arises purely from mass, not weight. In everyday usage, the mass of… …   Wikipedia

  • Apparent weight — An object s weight, henceforth called actual weight , is the downward force exerted upon it by a gravitational field. By contrast, an object s apparent weight is the (usually upward) force (the normal force , or reaction force ), typically… …   Wikipedia

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