flat-wheel roller

flat-wheel roller
каток с колёсами с плоскими и широкими ободами, гладкий каток

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "flat-wheel roller" в других словарях:

  • Roller skiing — Roller skis. Roller skiing is a non snow equivalent to cross country skiing. Emulating skis, elongated inline skates, with wheels at the ends, are used on tarmac. The skating/skiing action is very similar to actual cross country skiing on snow.… …   Wikipedia

  • Roller skating — is the traveling on smooth terrain with roller skates. It is a form of recreation as well as a sport, and can also be a form of transportation. Skates generally come in two basic varieties: roller skates and inline skates or blades, though some… …   Wikipedia

  • Roller ship — The roller ship, or roller steamer, was an unconventional ndash; and unsuccessful ndash; ship design of the late nineteenth century, which attempted to propel itself by means of large wheels. Only one such vessel was constructed ndash; the Ernest …   Wikipedia

  • Flat rides at Canada's Wonderland — The majority of rides at Canada s Wonderland are not roller coasters, of which there are just 15, but the flat rides.Grand World Exposition of 1890/Action Zone*Antique Carousel:Manufacturer: Philadelphia Toboggan Company:Model name: Carousel #84 …   Wikipedia

  • Denver Roller Dolls — Metro area Denver, CO Country United States Founded 2005 …   Wikipedia

  • Liste des ligues de roller derby — La liste des ligues de roller derby qui inclut les équipes existantes et celle défuntes. Cette liste est actuellement divisée selon la structure professionnelle/amatrice d affaires de chaque organisation et le statut actif/disparu et est… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Daisy wheel printer — Metal Daisy Wheel for Xerox Diablo printers Plastic …   Wikipedia

  • Artistic roller skating — is a group of roller skating events similar to figure skating on ice. The events are: * Figure Skating (similar to compulsory or school figures on ice) * single free skating * dance (couple) * solo dance * pairs * precision (team skating, similar …   Wikipedia

  • Grinding wheel — Grinding wheels A grinding wheel is an expendab …   Wikipedia

  • List of roller coasters at Canada's Wonderland — This is a list of roller coasters at Canada s Wonderland in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. The number beside each ride s description refers to its Intensity Rating , a rating (between 1 – 5) given by the park to each ride to describe the intensity of… …   Wikipedia

  • English Wheel — The English Wheel (or Wheeling Machine British English usage), is typically a manually operated metalworking apparatus, (used in car restoration, NASCAR racing car construction, and aviation amongst other uses), that allows a craftsman to form… …   Wikipedia

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