- flame-out
- 1) срыв пламени2) выброс пламени
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Flame-out — auch: Flame|out 〈[flɛımaʊt] m. 6; bei Flugzeugen〉 Ausfall eines Triebwerks infolge Treibstoffmangels [<engl. flame „flammen, glühen“ + out „aus“] * * * Flame out [ fleɪm|a̮ut , fleɪm |a̮ut ], der; s, s [engl. flame out, eigtl. = Zu Ende… … Universal-Lexikon
flame out — (of a jet engine) lose power through the extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber. → flame flame out informal, chiefly N. Amer. fail conspicuously. → flame … English new terms dictionary
Flame-out — auch: Flame|out 〈[flɛımaʊt] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; bei Flugzeugen〉 Ausfall eines Triebwerks infolge Treibstoffmangels [Etym.: <engl. flame »flammen, glühen« + out »aus«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Flame-out — [ fleimaut] der; , s <aus gleichbed. engl. flame out, zu to flame out »Schubkraft durch Triebwerksausfall verlieren«> durch Treibstoffmangel bedingter Ausfall eines Flugzeugstrahltriebwerks … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
flame|out — «FLAYM OWT», noun. 1. the sudden failure of a jet engine to function, because the flame has gone out, especially while in flight. 2. a spectacular failure, likened to a fiery crash. »The global dot com boom and bust is littered with flameouts.… … Useful english dictionary
flame-out — flame′ out n. aer. the failure of a jet engine due to an interruption of the fuel supply or to faulty combustion • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang
flame out — intransitive verb : to burn out (sense 2) * * * flame out 1. Of a jet engine, to lose power when the flame dies out 2. To fail dramatically (informal, esp N American) • • • Main Entry: ↑flame * * * (of a jet engine) lose power through the… … Useful english dictionary
flame out — verb Of processes and equipment involving combustion, to fail due to extinction of flame. If on flame out, steam pressure goes below 75 you must go back on gas to return [....] The grievant replied that If he did so, the boiler would flame out … Wiktionary
flame-out — noun a) The act of flaming out or burning out; extinguishing. The company was one of Silicon Valleys more famous dot com flame outs. b) The act of quitting or failing, especially due to overwork, or in a dramatic manner. See Also: flame out,… … Wiktionary
flame-out — noun 1. the failure of a jet engine caused by an interruption of the fuel supply or by faulty combustion • Topics: ↑jet engine • Hypernyms: ↑power outage, ↑power failure 2. a complete or conspicuous failure the spectacular flame out of the… … Useful english dictionary
flame·out — /ˈfleımˌaʊt/ noun, pl outs [count] 1 : a sudden stopping of a jet engine 2 US, informal : a very sudden and complete failure Fans were disappointed by the team s flameout in the play offs. see also flame out at ↑ … Useful english dictionary