- fixed abutment
- неподвижная опора
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Abutment — A*but ment ([.a]*b[u^]t ment), n. 1. State of abutting. [1913 Webster] 2. That on or against which a body abuts or presses; as (a) (Arch.) The solid part of a pier or wall, etc., which receives the thrust or lateral pressure of an arch, vault, or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Abutment — An abutment is an end support of a bridge superstructure.Abutments are used for the following purposes: * to transmit the reaction of superstructure to the foundations. * to retain the earth filling. * to connect the superstructure to the… … Wikipedia
abutment — In dentistry, a natural tooth or implanted tooth substitute, used for the support or anchorage of a fixed or removable prosthesis. auxiliary a. a tooth other than the one supporting the direct retainer, assisting in the overall support … Medical dictionary
multiple abutment — an abutment resulting from the fixed splinting of two or more adjacent natural teeth to serve as a unit in the support and retention of a fixed or removable partial denture … Medical dictionary
terminal abutment — a natural tooth located at an extremity of a fixed partial denture and used for the support and retention of the prosthesis … Medical dictionary
Bridge (dentistry) — Intervention ICD 9 CM 23.42 23.43 MeSH … Wikipedia
Spectral sequence — In the area of mathematics known as homological algebra, especially in algebraic topology and group cohomology, a spectral sequence is a means of computing homology groups by taking successive approximations. Spectral sequences are a… … Wikipedia
Gas holder — A gasometer, or gas holder, is a large container where natural gas or town gas is stored near atmospheric pressure at ambient temperatures. The volume of the container follows the quantity of stored gas, with pressure coming from the weight of a… … Wikipedia
Gothic Architecture — • History of the style Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gothic Architecture Gothic Architecture † … Catholic encyclopedia
Crown (dentistry) — Intervention ICD 9 CM 23.41 MeSH … Wikipedia
Prosthesis — For other uses, see Prosthesis (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Orthotic. A man with two prosthetic arms playing table football … Wikipedia