- filter-feeding animals
- организмы-биофильтраторы (моллюски, устрицы, которые используются при определении качества воды в качестве индикаторов)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
feeding behaviour — Any action of an animal directed toward obtaining nutrients. Each species evolves methods of searching for, obtaining, and ingesting food for which it can successfully compete. Some species eat only one type of food, others a variety. Among… … Universalium
Filter feeder — [ left|thumb|200px|Krill feeding under high phytoplankton concentration (slowed down by a factor of 12).] Filter feeders (also known as suspension feeders) are animals that feed by straining suspended matter and food particles from water,… … Wikipedia
List of feeding behaviours — Feeding is the process by which organisms, typically animals, obtain food. Terminology often uses either the suffix vore from Latin vorare, meaning to devour , or phagy, from Greek φαγειν, meaning to eat . Mosquito drinking blood … Wikipedia
Social behaviour in animals — Introduction actions of animals living in communities. Such behaviour may include the feeding of the young, the building of shelters, or the guarding of territory. General characteristics Social behaviour (Social behaviour in animals) … Universalium
animal — animalic /an euh mal ik/, animalian /an euh may lee euhn, mayl yeuhn/, adj. /an euh meuhl/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well defined shape and usually limited growth, can move… … Universalium
Pelagic fish — A school of large pelagic predator fish (giant trevally) sizing up a school of small pelagic prey fish (anchovies) Pelagic fish live near the surface or in the water column of coastal, ocean and lake waters, but not on the bottom of the sea or… … Wikipedia
Marine habitats — Coral reefs provide marine habitats for tube sponges, which in turn become marine habitats for fishes Littoral zone … Wikipedia
Marine snow — Underway recovery of a sediment trap used to collect marine snow and estimate export production In the deep ocean, marine snow is a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the upper layers of the water column. It is a… … Wikipedia
Dogger Bank itch — is a cutaneous condition characterized by an eczematous dermatitis caused by exposure to the sea chervil, Alcyonidium diaphanum, a seaweed like animal colony.[1]:431 The disease, common in fishermen who work in the North Sea, has been recognized… … Wikipedia
Bryozoa — Temporal range: Upper Cambrian–Recent[1] … Wikipedia
protozoan — /proh teuh zoh euhn/, n., pl. protozoans, (esp. collectively) protozoa / zoh euh/, adj. Biol. n. 1. any of a diverse group of eukaryotes, of the kingdom Protista, that are primarily unicellular, existing singly or aggregating into colonies, are… … Universalium