- filter sand
- водопроницаемый песок, фильтровальный песок
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Filter (chemistry) — In domestic food and drink preparation where bulk solids are removed from liquids, this is often called a strainer. Filtrate is the liquid produced after filtering a suspension of a solid in a liquid.Filtrand (or Residue) is the solid residue… … Wikipedia
Filter [1] — Filter. Strömt eine Flüssigkeit so durch einen porösen Körper, daß die in ersterer enthaltenen Suspensionen dem letzteren durch Adhäsion verbleiben[26] oder sich vor demselben festlegen, so nennt man den Vorgang Filtration, den Körper das Filter… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Sand filter — Sand filters are used for water purification. There are three main types; # rapid (gravity) sand filters # upflow sand filters # slow sand filters All three methods are used extensively in the water industry throughout the world. The first two… … Wikipedia
Filter — Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other liquid may … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Filter bed — Filter Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Filter gallery — Filter Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Filter — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Filter Información personal Origen Cleveland, Ohio, Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
filter — [fil′tər] n. [ME filtre < OFr < ML filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool (used for straining liquors) < Gmc: see FELT1] 1. a device for separating solid particles, impurities, etc. from a liquid or gas by passing it through a porous… … English World dictionary
Filter [2] — Filter. In neuerer Zeit haben die Schnellfilter Verbreitung gefunden. Sie werden verwendet: 1. zur Klärung natürlich trüben Rohwassers für gewerbliche Zwecke; 2. zur Klärung von chemisch vorbehandeltem Wasser; 3. zur Vorbehandlung von Wasser vor… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
filter bed — n. a tank, covered trench, etc. with a sand or gravel bottom, used to filter water, sewage, etc … English World dictionary
Filter (aquarium) — Aquarium filters are critical components of both freshwater and marine aquaria.cite book |last=Riehl |first=Rüdiger. Editor. |coauthors=Baensch, HA |title=Aquarium Atlas |year=1996. 5th Edn. |publisher=Tetra Press |location=Germany |isbn=3 88244… … Wikipedia