fantail arch

fantail arch
арочный канал (в мартеновских печах)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "fantail arch" в других словарях:

  • fantail — fan tailed, adj. /fan tayl /, n. 1. a tail, end, or part shaped like a fan. 2. one of a breed of domestic pigeons, having a fan shaped tail. 3. any of various small birds having fanlike tails, as the Old World flycatchers of the genus Rhipidura… …   Universalium

  • fantail — /ˈfænteɪl / (say fantayl) noun 1. a tail, end, or part shaped like a fan. 2. one of a fancy breed of domestic pigeons with a fan shaped tail. 3. any of various small insectivorous Asian and Australasian birds of the genus Rhipidura, family… …  

  • Fibula (brooch) — A Fibula is an ancient brooch. (Plural: fibulae). Technically, the latin term fibulae refers specifically to Roman brooches, however, the term is widely used to refer to brooches from the entire ancient and early medieval world. Unlike modern… …   Wikipedia

  • List of pigeon breeds — This is an alphabetical list of pigeon breeds. Pigeons and doves are members of the bird family Columbidae. Doves tend to be smaller birds and pigeons larger ones, although this distinction is not consistently applied. The birds listed here are… …   Wikipedia

  • Stern — For other meanings, see Stern (disambiguation). Detailed schematic of an elliptical or fantail stern[1] The stern is the rear or aft most part of a ship or boat, technically defined as the area built up …   Wikipedia

  • passeriform — /pas euhr euh fawrm , peuh ser euh /, adj. of or pertaining to the order Passeriformes; passerine. [ < NL Passeriformes, equiv. to L passer sparrow + iformes IFORMES] * * * ▪ bird Introduction also called  passerine  or  perching bird     any… …   Universalium

  • Springbrook National Park — IUCN Category II (National Park) …   Wikipedia

  • Heaton Park — Heaton Park, covering an area variously reported as convert|600|acre|km2|1, [ other venues/heaton hall/venue hire/ Retrieved 2007 10 13] convert|640|acre|km2|1, [ …   Wikipedia

  • technology, history of — Introduction       the development over time of systematic techniques for making and doing things. The term technology, a combination of the Greek technē, “art, craft,” with logos, “word, speech,” meant in Greece a discourse on the arts, both… …   Universalium

  • Spital Tongues — is a historic area of Newcastle upon Tyne, located north west of the city centre.Its unusual name is believed to be derived from spital – a corruption of the word hospital that is quite commonly found in UK place names (for example Spitalfields)… …   Wikipedia

  • heel — Synonyms and related words: SOB, accouter, afterpart, afterpiece, appoint, arch, arm, back, back door, back seat, back side, balance, bastard, bear off, bedog, behind, bend, blackguard, bounder, branch off, breech, broke, bugger, cad, cant,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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