- family household
- семейное домашнее хозяйство
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
family unit — index family (household) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Family — As in all societies throughout history, the family was the basic building block of late antique and early medieval society. The structure, definition, and size of families, however, evolved over time, as the nature of society itself changed.… … Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe
household — I (domestic) adjective at home, domesticus, domiciled, domiciliary, domiciliated, family, fond of home, having home interests, home, home loving, home owning, homemaking, housekeeping, in residence, lares, penates, pertaining to home, pertaining… … Law dictionary
family — fam·i·ly / fam lē, fa mə / n pl lies 1: a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption 2: a group of usu. related individuals who live together under common household authority and esp. who have reciprocal duties to each other ◇… … Law dictionary
Household plot — is a legally defined farm type in all former socialist countries in CIS and CEE. This is a small plot of land (typically less than 0.5 hectares) attached to a rural residence. The household plot is primarily cultivated for subsistence and its… … Wikipedia
family — [fam′ə lē, fam′lē] n. pl. families [ME familie < L familia, household establishment, akin to famulus, servant < ? IE * dhe mo , house (< base * dhē : see DO1) > Sans dhāman, household] 1. Obs. all the people living in the same house;… … English World dictionary
Family — • In the classical Roman period the familia rarely included the parents or the children. Its English derivative was frequently used in former times to describe all the persons of the domestic circle, parents, children, and servants. Present usage … Catholic encyclopedia
Family economy — is used to denote the basic structure of production and consumption in the preindustrial Europe. In the family economy there were regional variations, which were how different places were different in family economy.In Western Europe the peasants … Wikipedia
family — (n.) c.1400, servants of a household, from L. familia family servants, domestics; also members of a household, including relatives and servants, from famulus servant, of unknown origin. Ancestral sense is from early 15c.; household sense recorded … Etymology dictionary
Household harmony — began in 2006 in the South Hills of Greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The idea was to offer family activities in order to help families come together in McMurray and [http://www.twpusc.org Upper St. Clair] . [http://www.householdharmony.com… … Wikipedia
Household — House hold , a. Belonging to the house and family; domestic; as, household furniture; household affairs. [1913 Webster] {Household bread}, bread made in the house for common use; hence, bread that is not of the finest quality. [Obs.] {Household… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English