- fairness
- обтекаемость
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Fairness — geht als Begriff auf das englische Wort „fair“ („anständig“, „ordentlich“) zurück. Fairness drückt eine (nicht gesetzlich geregelte) Vorstellung individueller Gerechtigkeit aus. Fairness lässt sich im Deutschen mit akzeptierter Gerechtigkeit und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fairness — or being fair may refer to:* Distributive justice * Equity (law) * Fairness, absence of bias in specific realms: ** In probability and statistics, such absence especially modeled by a fair coin ** In American broadcasting, presentation of… … Wikipedia
Fairness — Fair ness, n. The state of being fair, or free form spots or stains, as of the skin; honesty, as of dealing; candor, as of an argument, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fairness — I noun aequitas, appropriateness, balance, detachment, disinterestedness, dispassionateness, equality, equitable treatment, equitableness, equity, evenhanded justice, evenhandedness, fair mindedness, fair play, fair treatment, honesty,… … Law dictionary
fairness — O.E. fægernes “beauty;” see FAIR (Cf. fair) + NESS (Cf. ness). Meaning “evenhandedness” is from mid 15c … Etymology dictionary
fairness — [n] justice candor, charitableness, charity, civility, consideration, courtesy, decency, decorum, disinterestedness, due, duty, equitableness, equity, exactitude, fair mindedness, fair shake*, give and take*, good faith, goodness, honesty, honor … New thesaurus
fairness — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ basic, elementary, simple ▪ This is a matter of basic fairness. ▪ scrupulous (esp. BrE) ▪ Dr Jones was treated with scrupulous fairness by his employers … Collocations dictionary
Fairness — Sportlichkeit; Sportgeist; sportliches Verhalten; Sportsgeist * * * Fair|ness [ fɛ:ɐ̯nɛs], die; : das Fairsein; anständiges Verhalten: große Fairness zeigen. Syn.: ↑ Anstand. * * * Fair| … Universal-Lexikon
fairness — [[t]fe͟ə(r)nəs[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Fairness is the quality of being reasonable, right, and just. He says the new document will guarantee fairness for blacks in Georgia. ...concern about the fairness of the election campaign. 2) PHRASE: PHR with cl… … English dictionary
fairness — fair|ness [ˈfeərnıs US ˈfer ] n [U] 1.) the quality of being fair ▪ the basic fairness of the judicial system 2.) in fairness (to sb) used after you have just criticized someone, in order to add something that explains their behaviour or… … Dictionary of contemporary English
fairness — fair|ness [ fernəs ] noun uncount behavior that is fair and reasonable in (all) fairness used for making your criticism of someone or something seem less strong: TO BE FAIR: I should say in fairness to him, that he s quite a shrewd politician … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English