- brick paving
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Brick dance — is an American dance form dating back to at least Victorian timesFact|date=October 2007. The term has gained popularity in recent years and may be considered part of the repertoire of dancers who crunk.MovementA brick dance may happen on its own… … Wikipedia
paving — pav|ing [ˈpeıvıŋ] n 1.) [U] material used to form a hard level surface on a path, road, area etc ▪ brick paving 2.) [U] an area covered in a hard level surface such as blocks of stone or ↑concrete 3.) a paving stone … Dictionary of contemporary English
brick — [brik] n. [ME brike < MDu < breken, BREAK (in sense “piece of baked clay”) & MFr brique < OFr, of same orig.] 1. a substance made from clay molded into oblong blocks and fired in a kiln or baked in the sun, used in building, paving, etc … English World dictionary
brick and tile — ▪ building material Introduction structural clay products, manufactured as standard units, used in building construction. The brick, first produced in a sun dried form at least 6,000 years ago and the forerunner of a wide range of… … Universalium
paving stone — noun a stone used for paving (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑stone • Hyponyms: ↑cobble, ↑cobblestone, ↑sett, ↑curbstone, ↑kerbstone, ↑flag, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
brick — /brɪk / (say brik) noun 1. a block of clay, usually rectangular, hardened by drying in the sun or burning in a kiln, and used for building, paving, etc. 2. such blocks collectively. 3. the material. 4. any similar block, especially a small one of …
brick — bricklike, brickish, adj. /brik/, n. 1. a block of clay hardened by drying in the sun or burning in a kiln, and used for building, paving, etc.: traditionally, in the U.S., a rectangle 21/4 × 33/4 × 8 in. (5.7 × 9.5 × 20.3 cm), red, brown, or… … Universalium
Paving — Pave Pave, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Paved}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Paving}.] [F. paver to pave, LL. pavare, from L. pavire to beat, ram, or tread down; cf. Gr. ? to beat, strike.] 1. To lay or cover with stone, brick, or other material, so as to make a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brick — [[t]brɪk[/t]] n. 1) bui a block of clay hardened by drying in the sun or burning in a kiln and used for building, paving, etc 2) bui such blocks collectively 3) bui the material of which such blocks are made 4) any block or bar having a similar… … From formal English to slang
brick — Synonyms and related words: Tarmac, Tarvia, adamant, adobe, ashlar, asphalt, biscuit, bisque, bitumen, bituminous macadam, blacktop, block, board, bone, bowl, bricks and mortar, buddy, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, china, chum, chunk, clapboard … Moby Thesaurus
brick — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English bryke, from Middle Dutch bricke Date: 15th century 1. plural bricks or brick a handy sized unit of building or paving material typically being rectangular and about 2 1/4 × 3 3/4 × 8… … New Collegiate Dictionary