- extraction fan
- всасывающий вентилятор; извлекающий вентилятор
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Terminology extraction — Terminology extraction, term extraction, or glossary extraction, is a subtask of information extraction. The goal of terminology extraction is to automatically extract relevant terms from a given corpus.In the semantic web era, a growing number… … Wikipedia
Mechanical fan — Household electric box fan with a propeller style blade A mechanical fan is a machine used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas such as air. A fan consists of a rotating arrangement of vanes or blades which act on the air. Usually, it… … Wikipedia
Cannabis cultivation — Typical home grown organic sinsemilla bud compared to a cigarette pack. This article presents common techniques and facts regarding the cultivation of the flowering plant cannabis, primarily for the production and consumption of marijuana buds.… … Wikipedia
Indoor Cannabis cultivation — This article is about methods of cultivating Cannabis plants indoors, growing them in a soil like medium, and adding fertilizer when the plants are given water. Cultivating plants indoors can also be done through the use of hydroponics; however,… … Wikipedia
Military equipment of Turkey — The military equipment of Turkey includes a wide array of arms, artilleries, large surface vessels, cannons, armored vehicles, mortars, unmanned vehicles and many different equipments. Contents 1 Historical development 1.1 General 1.2 1923 1950 … Wikipedia
вентилятор дымоудаления — [Интент] Вентиляторы дымоудаления применяются в аварийных системах вытяжной вентиляции производственных, жилых, административных помещений для удаления образующихся при пожаре дымовоздушных смесей. Вентиляторы применяются в системах дымоудаления… … Справочник технического переводчика
Infrasound — is sound with a frequency too low to be heard by the human ear. The study of such sound waves is sometimes referred to as infrasonics, covering sounds beneath the lowest limits of human hearing (20 hertz) down to 0.001 hertz. This frequency range … Wikipedia
Otokar Akrep — Akrep ZPT Type APC Place of origin Turkey Service h … Wikipedia
List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have … Wikipedia
coal mining — Coal was very important in the economic development of Britain. It was used as fuel in the factories built during the Industrial Revolution and continued to be important until the 1980s. The main coalfields are in north east England, the north… … Universalium
mining — /muy ning/, n. 1. the act, process, or industry of extracting ores, coal, etc., from mines. 2. the laying of explosive mines. [1250 1300; ME: undermining (walls in an attack); see MINE2, ING1] * * * I Excavation of materials from the Earth s… … Universalium