- exigent
- требовательный
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
exigent — EXIGÉNT, Ă, exigenţi, te, adj. Care pretinde multă grijă, stricteţe, corectitudine de la alţii (şi de la sine însuşi) în privinţa îndeplinirii unei datorii; pretenţios. – Din. fr. exigeant, lat. exigens, ntis. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa … Dicționar Român
exigent — ex·i·gent / ek sə jənt/ adj: requiring immediate aid or action see also exigent circumstances Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
exigent — exigent, exiguous Neither word is common in ordinary usage and both are marked ‘formal’ in the COD (2006). Both are related to Latin exigere in its two meanings ‘to enforce payment of’ and ‘to weigh exactly’. Exigent corresponds to the first of… … Modern English usage
exigent — exigent, exigi facias Exigent, /eksajant/ exigi facias /ekssjay feys(h)iyas/ L. Lat. In English practice, a judicial writ made use of in the process of outlawry, commanding the sheriff to demand the defendant (or cause him to be demanded, exigi… … Black's law dictionary
exigent — exigent, exigi facias Exigent, /eksajant/ exigi facias /ekssjay feys(h)iyas/ L. Lat. In English practice, a judicial writ made use of in the process of outlawry, commanding the sheriff to demand the defendant (or cause him to be demanded, exigi… … Black's law dictionary
Exigent — Ex i*gent, a. [L. exigens, entis, p. pr. of exigere to drive out or forth, require, exact. See {Exact}.] Exacting or requiring immediate aid or action; pressing; critical. At this exigent moment. Burke. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exigent — Ex i*gent, n. 1. Exigency; pressing necessity; decisive moment. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Why do you cross me in this exigent? Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (o. Eng. Law) The name of a writ in proceedings before outlawry. Abbott. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exigent — [adj1] urgent, pressing acute, burning, clamant, clamorous, constraining, critical, crucial, crying, imperative, importunate, insistent, instant, menacing, necessary, needful, threatening; concepts 548,568 Ant. ordinary, unpressured, usual… … New thesaurus
exigent — 1660s, urgent, a back formation from EXIGENCY (Cf. exigency) or else from L. exigentem (nom. exigens), prp. of exigere to demand (see EXACT (Cf. exact) (v.)) … Etymology dictionary
exigent — adj *pressing, urgent, imperative, crying, importunate, insistent, instant Analogous words: critical, crucial, *acute: threatening, menacing (see THREATEN): compelling, constraining (see FORCE vb) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
exigent — ► ADJECTIVE formal ▪ pressing; demanding … English terms dictionary