

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "Eurocurrency" в других словарях:

  • Eurocurrency — Eu·ro·cur·ren·cy /ˌyu̇r ō kər ən sē/ n pl cies: currency (as from the U.S. and Japan) held outside its country of origin and used in the money markets of Europe Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Eurocurrency — [yoor′ō kʉr΄ən sē] n. pl. Eurocurrencies deposits denominated in the currency of, but held in banks outside of, their country of origin, esp. in Europe …   English World dictionary

  • Eurocurrency — instrument issued outside your country, but denominated in your currency. A Eurodollar is a certificate of deposit in U.S. dollars issued in some other country (though mainly traded in London). A Euroyen is a CD issued in yen outside Japan.… …   Financial and business terms

  • eurocurrency — A foreign currency deposit at a bank located outside the country where the currency is issued as a legal tender. For example, dollars deposited in a bank in Switzerland are eurodollars, yen deposited at a US bank are euroyen, etc. The deposit… …   Accounting dictionary

  • eurocurrency — A foreign currency deposit at a bank located outside the country where the currency is issued as a legal tender. For example, dollars deposited in a bank in Switzerland are eurodollars, yen deposited at a US bank are euroyen, etc. The deposit… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Eurocurrency — / jυərəυkʌrənsi/ noun any currency used for trade within Europe but outside its country of origin, the eurodollar being the most important ● a Eurocurrency loan ● the Eurocurrency market …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Eurocurrency — Currency deposited by national governments or corporations in banks outside their home market. This applies to any currency and to banks in any country. For example, South Korean won deposited at a bank in South Africa, is considered eurocurrency …   Investment dictionary

  • Eurocurrency reserve requirement — USA The percentage used to calculate the Eurodollar rate. For reserve requirements, the percentage is set out in Federal Reserve Regulation D for Eurocurrency Liabilities. This percentage has been set as zero for the past several years. Related… …   Law dictionary

  • Eurocurrency Market — The money market in which Eurocurrency, currency held in banks outside of the country where it is legal tender, is borrowed and lent by banks in Europe. The Eurocurrency market allows for more convenient borrowing, which improves the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Eurocurrency — noun Date: 1963 moneys (as of the United States and Japan) held outside their countries of origin and used in the money markets of Europe …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Eurocurrency — /yoor oh kerr euhn see, kur , yerr /, n., pl. Eurocurrencies. funds deposited in the bank of a European country in the currency of another country. Also called Euromoney /yoohr euh mun ee, yerr /. [EURO + CURRENCY] * * * …   Universalium

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