- ethylene
- этилен
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Ethylene — Ethylene … Wikipedia
Éthylène — Formule brute et représentation 3D de l éthylène … Wikipédia en Français
Ethylene — Éthylène Éthylène Formule brute et représentation 3D de l éthy … Wikipédia en Français
Ethylène — Éthylène Éthylène Formule brute et représentation 3D de l éthy … Wikipédia en Français
éthylène — [ etilɛn ] n. m. • 1867; de éthyle ♦ Chim. Gaz incolore d une faible odeur éthérée (C2H4), peu soluble dans l eau, premier membre de la série des hydrocarbures éthyléniques. ● éthylène nom masculin (de éthyle) Hydrocarbure CH2≅CH2, prototype des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ethylene — Eth yl*ene ([e^]th [i^]l*[=e]n), n. [From {Ethyl}.] (Chem.) A colorless, gaseous hydrocarbon, {C2H4}, forming an important ingredient of illuminating gas, and also obtained by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid in alcohol. It is an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ethylene — UK US /ˈeθɪliːn/ noun [U] ► NATURAL RESOURCES a colourless gas with a slightly sweet smell that burns easily, used in industry: »ethylene gas/glycol »ethylene production … Financial and business terms
ethylene — 1852, from ETHYL (Cf. ethyl) + ENE (Cf. ene), probably suggested by METHYLENE (Cf. methylene) … Etymology dictionary
ethylene — ► NOUN Chemistry ▪ a flammable hydrocarbon gas of the alkene series, present in natural gas and coal gas … English terms dictionary
ethylene — ☆ ethylene [eth′əl ēn΄ ] n. [ ETHYL + ENE] a colorless, flammable, gaseous alkene, H2C:CH2, obtained by the cracking of natural or coal gas, by the dehydration of alcohol, etc.: it is the simplest alkene and is used to synthesize organic… … English World dictionary
ethylene — ethylenic /eth euh lee nik, len ik/, adj. /eth euh leen /, Chem. adj. 1. containing the ethylene group. n. 2. Also called ethene, olefiant gas. a colorless, flammable gas, C2H4, having a sweet, unpleasant odor and taste, the first member of the… … Universalium