- ether
- эфир (простой)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
ÉTHER — La notion d’éther est aussi vieille que la physique, mais sa signification a considérablement varié, suivant en cela l’évolution des théories et les progrès de l’expérience. Oscillant entre l’idée de feu, de lumière et celle de représentation… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ether — E ther ([=e] th[ e]r), n. [L. aether, Gr. a iqh r, fr. a i qein to light up, kindle, burn, blaze; akin to Skr. idh, indh, and prob. to E. idle: cf. F. [ e]ther.] [Written also {[ae]ther}.] 1. (Physics) A medium of great elasticity and extreme… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ether — Éther Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français
Ether — [ e:tɐ]: vgl. ↑ Äther. * * * Ether 〈m. 3; unz.; Chem.; fachsprachl.〉 = Äther * * * E|ther [griech. aithe̅̓r = obere Luft, Himmelsluft; vgl. Äther (1)], der; s, ; veraltete S: Äther: 1) Gruppenbez. für org. Verb. der allg. Formel R1 O R2, wobei… … Universal-Lexikon
ether — late 14c., upper regions of space, from O.Fr. ether and directly from L. aether the upper pure, bright air, from Gk. aither upper air; bright, purer air; the sky, from aithein to burn, shine, from PIE root *aidh to burn (see EDIFICE (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
ether — ► NOUN 1) (also diethyl ether) a volatile, highly flammable liquid used as an anaesthetic and as a solvent. 2) Chemistry any organic compound with an oxygen atom linking two alkyl groups. 3) (also aether) chiefly literary the clear sky; the upper … English terms dictionary
ether — [ē′thər] n. [ME < L aether < Gr aithēr < aithein, to kindle, burn < IE base * aidh > L aestas, summer, OE ætan, to burn] 1. a substance hypothesized by the ancients as filling all space beyond the sphere of the moon, and making up… … English World dictionary
ETHER — civitas in tribu Iudae. Iosuae c. 15. v. 42. Lat. oratio, sive deprecatio … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Ether — vgl. ↑Äther … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
ether — atmosphere, *air, ozone … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Ether — vgl. 2Äther … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung