- eruptive
- геол.изверженный, эруптивный
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Eruptive — E*rup tive, a. [Cf. F. [ e]ruptif.] 1. Breaking out or bursting forth. [1913 Webster] The sudden glance Appears far south eruptive through the cloud. Thomson. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) Attended with eruption or efflorescence, or producing it; as,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Eruptive — E*rup tive, n. (Geol.) An eruptive rock. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eruptive — [ē rup′tiv, irup′tiv] adj. 1. erupting or tending to erupt 2. of, produced by, or formed by eruption [eruptive rock] 3. Med. causing or characterized by a skin eruption n. Geol. a rock thrown out by volcanic eruption eruptively adv … English World dictionary
eruptive — 1640s; see ERUPT (Cf. erupt) + IVE (Cf. ive). Perhaps from Fr. éruptif … Etymology dictionary
éruptive — ● éruptif, éruptive adjectif (latin eruptus, de erumpere, faire éruption) Qui est en rapport avec une éruption volcanique. S est dit initialement des roches formées à la suite d une éruption, avant d être étendu à l ensemble des roches… … Encyclopédie Universelle
eruptive — adjective 1. producing or characterized by eruptions an eruptive disease • Pertains to noun: ↑eruption 2. produced by the action of fire or intense heat rocks formed by igneous agents • Syn: ↑igneous • … Useful english dictionary
eruptive — eruptively, adv. eruptivity, eruptiveness, n. /i rup tiv/, adj. 1. bursting forth, or tending to burst forth. 2. pertaining to or of the nature of an eruption. 3. Geol. noting a rock formed by the eruption of molten material. 4. Pathol. causing… … Universalium
eruptive — 1. adjective a) That erupts b) That is accompanied by eruptions 2. noun An eruptive rock … Wiktionary
eruptive — /əˈrʌptɪv/ (say uh ruptiv), /i / (say ee ) adjective 1. bursting forth, or tending to burst forth. 2. relating to or of the nature of an eruption. 3. Geology (of rocks) formed by the eruption of molten material. 4. Pathology causing or attended… …
eruptive — erupt ► VERB 1) (of a volcano) forcefully eject lava, rocks, ash, or gases. 2) break out suddenly. 3) give vent to feelings in a sudden and noisy way. 4) (of a spot, rash, etc.) suddenly appear on the skin. DERIVATIVES eruptive adjective. ORIGIN … English terms dictionary
Eruptive Gesteine — (Plutonische Gesteine Geol.), Gebirgsarten, welche im feuerflüssigen Zustande aus dem Innern der Erde emporgedrungen sind u. gab die bereits vorhandenen geschichteten Gesteine aus ihrer Lage gebracht, zum Theil auch metamorphosirt haben. Zu den E … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon