- equivalent fuel
- условное топливо
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
equivalent fuel — sutartinis kuras statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Kuras, kurio šilumingumas – 29,3 MJ/kg. Tai vadinamasis anglies ekvivalentas. Pastutiniu metu pradėtas naudoti ir naftos ekvivalentas – 1 kg šilumingumas 41,867 MJ/kg. Vartojama atskirų… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Fuel economy in automobiles — Fuel consumption monitor from a 2006 Honda Airwave … Wikipedia
Fuel efficiency — is a form of thermal efficiency, meaning the efficiency of a process that converts chemical potential energy contained in a carrier fuel into kinetic energy or work. Overall fuel efficiency may vary per device, which in turn may vary per… … Wikipedia
fuel — [ fjul ] n. m. • 1944; fuel oil 1921; mot angl. « huile combustible » ♦ Anglic. Mazout. ⇒ fioul. ● fuel ou fuel oil nom masculin (anglais fuel, combustible, et oil, huile) Combustible liquide, brun foncé ou noir, plus ou moins visqueux, provenant … Encyclopédie Universelle
fuel-oil — ● fuel ou fuel oil nom masculin (anglais fuel, combustible, et oil, huile) Combustible liquide, brun foncé ou noir, plus ou moins visqueux, provenant du pétrole. (; on écrit aussi fioul.) ● fuel ou fuel oil (difficultés) nom masculin (anglais… … Encyclopédie Universelle
fuel oil — ⇒FUEL, FUEL( )OIL, (FUEL OIL, FUEL OIL) subst. masc. ,,Résidu de la distillation du pétrole, employé seul ou en mélange avec d autres huiles pour le chauffage domestique et la chauffe des foyers (Comité d étude des Termes techniques français… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fuel equivalent — is an accounting unit of the fuel thermal value used for comparing different types of fuel. It is accepted that the calorific value of 1 kilogram of solid (liquid) fuel equivalent (or 1 cubic meter of gaseous one) is 29.3 MJ (7,000 kcal). The… … Glossary of Oil and Gas
Fuel injection — Fuel rail connected to the injectors that are mounted just above the intake manifold on a four cylinder engine. Fuel injection … Wikipedia
Fuel oil — An oil tanker taking on bunker fuel. Fuel oil is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. Broadly speaking, fuel oil is any liquid petroleum product that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the… … Wikipedia
Fuel efficiency in transportation — This page describes fuel efficiency in means of transportation. For the environmental impact assessment of a given product or service throughout its lifespan, see life cycle assessment. Caveats Comparing Fuel efficiency in transportation is a bit … Wikipedia
Fuel cell — For other uses, see Fuel cell (disambiguation). Demonstration model of a direct methanol fuel cell. The actual fuel cell stack is the layered cube shape in the center of the image A fuel cell is a device that converts the chemical energy from a… … Wikipedia