breakaway sign post

breakaway sign post
ударобезопасная опора дорожного знака

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "breakaway sign post" в других словарях:

  • John 3:7 (sign) — For the New Testament biblical verse, see John 3. The John 3:7 sign. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ File:Frankonthewaytocroker.jpg 250px A sign with the legend John 3:7 is often seen at Gaelic games stadiums in Irelan …   Wikipedia

  • Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… …   Universalium

  • Military Affairs — ▪ 2009 Introduction        Russia and Georgia fought a short, intense war in 2008, fueling global fears of a new Cold War. On August 7 Georgia launched an aerial bombardment and ground attacks against its breakaway province of South Ossetia.… …   Universalium

  • Georgia — /jawr jeuh/, n. 1. a state in the SE United States. 5,464,265; 58,876 sq. mi. (152,489 sq. km). Cap.: Atlanta. Abbr.: GA (for use with zip code), Ga. 2. Also called Georgian Republic. a republic in Transcaucasia, bordering on the Black Sea, N of… …   Universalium

  • football — /foot bawl /, n. 1. a game in which two opposing teams of 11 players each defend goals at opposite ends of a field having goal posts at each end, with points being scored chiefly by carrying the ball across the opponent s goal line and by place… …   Universalium

  • Calendar of 1997 — ▪ 1998 JANUARY JANUARY 1       Ghanaian Kofi Annan replaces Egyptian Boutros Boutros Ghali in the position of United Nations secretary general.       Among those knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in the annual New Year s Day ceremony is pop musician …   Universalium

  • 2008–09 Manchester United F.C. season — Manchester United 2008–09 season Co chairmen Joel and Avram Glazer Manager …   Wikipedia

  • religion — religionless, adj. /ri lij euhn/, n. 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and… …   Universalium

  • Calendar of 2003 — ▪ 2004 January So long as there is a single Brazilian brother or sister going hungry, we have ample reason to be ashamed of ourselves. Lula, in his inaugural address as president of Brazil, January 1 January 1       The Socialist Lula (Luiz… …   Universalium

  • Timeline of the 2008 South Ossetia war — The 2008 South Ossetia war started on August 7, 2008 and involves Georgia, Russian Federation, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.Military conflict TimelineThe tensions have been escalating through the year of 2008, but the countdown to the open… …   Wikipedia

  • European Union — 1. an association of European nations formed in 1993 for the purpose of achieving political and economic integration. Formerly known as the European Economic Community, the European Union s member states are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland,… …   Universalium

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