enfilade of rooms

enfilade of rooms
анфилада комнат

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "enfilade of rooms" в других словарях:

  • enfilade — ► NOUN 1) a volley of gunfire directed along a line from end to end. 2) a suite of rooms with doorways in line with each other. ► VERB ▪ direct an enfilade at. ORIGIN originally denoting a military post commanding the length of a line: from… …   English terms dictionary

  • Enfilade (architecture) — [ Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire: an enfilade of 9 state rooms runs the length of the palace (marked N to G at the top of the figure). Note alignment of doors between rooms.] An enfilade, in architecture, is a suite of rooms formally aligned with… …   Wikipedia

  • enfilade — I. noun Etymology: French, from enfiler to thread, enfilade, from Old French, to thread, from en + fil thread more at file Date: circa 1730 1. an interconnected group of rooms arranged usually in a row with each room opening into the next 2.… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • enfilade — /en feuh layd , lahd , en feuh layd , lahd /, n., v., enfiladed, enfilading. n. 1. Mil. a. a position of works, troops, etc., making them subject to a sweeping fire from along the length of a line of troops, a trench, a battery, etc. b. the fire… …   Universalium

  • enfilade —    (anh fee LAHD) [French, from enfiler: to thread] Gunfire that sweeps a trench or column of soldiers from one end to the other. Also, an architectural arrangement of rooms following one after the other, with doorways that allow a view from one… …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

  • enfilade — [ˌɛnfɪ leɪd] noun 1》 a volley of gunfire directed along a line from end to end. 2》 a suite of rooms with doorways in line with each other. verb direct an enfilade at. Origin C18 (denoting a military post commanding the length of a line): from Fr …   English new terms dictionary

  • enfilade — en•fi•lade [[t]ˌɛn fəˈleɪd, ˈlɑd[/t]] n. v. lad•ed, lad•ing 1) mil sweeping gunfire, as from along the length of a line of troops 2) archit. an axial arrangement, as of doorways connecting a group of rooms, providing a long vista 3) mil to attack …   From formal English to slang

  • Neva Enfilade of the Winter Palace — The Winter Palace s Neva facade. The enfilade is at the centre on the first floor The Neva Enfilade of the Winter Palace, St Petersburg is a series of three large halls arranged in an enfilade along the palace s massive facade facing the River… …   Wikipedia

  • Palace of Versailles — Versailles redirects here. For the city, see Versailles (commune). For other uses, see Versailles (disambiguation). Palace of Versailles Château de Versailles The interior court of the Palace of Versailles …   Wikipedia

  • Grand appartement du roi — This article is about the grand appartement du roi of the Palace of Versailles.As a result of Louis LeVau’s envelope of Louis XIII’s château, the king and queen had new apartments in the new addition, known at the time as the château neuf. The… …   Wikipedia

  • АНФИЛАДА — ряд последовательно примыкающих друг к другу помещений, дверные проёмы которых расположены на одной оси (Болгарский язык; Български) анфилада (Чешский язык; Čeština) enfilada (Немецкий язык; Deutsch) Raumfolge; Zimmerflucht (Венгерский язык;… …   Строительный словарь

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