energy of rupture

energy of rupture
удельная работа, необходимая для разрыва

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "energy of rupture" в других словарях:

  • Compressed-air energy storage — (CAES) refers to the compression of airto be used later as energy source. At utility scale, it can be stored during periods of low energy demand (off peak), for use in meeting periods of higher demand (peak load). Alternatively it can be used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed air energy storage — Conceptual representation of the compressed air energy storage concept. Off peak (low cost) electrical power compresses air into an underground air storage “vessel” (the Norton mine), and later the air feeds a gas fired turbine generator complex… …   Wikipedia

  • Duane Arnold Energy Center — View Of Power Plant From Road …   Wikipedia

  • Mass–energy equivalence — E=MC2 redirects here. For other uses, see E=MC2 (disambiguation). 4 meter tall sculpture of Einstein s 1905 E = mc2 formula at the 2006 Walk of Ideas, Berlin, Germany In physics, mass–energy equivalence is the concept that the …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear energy policy of the United States — For other uses, see Nuclear policy of the United States. George W. Bush signing the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which gave extensive funding and aid to help reinvigorate the nuclear industry in America. The nuclear energy policy of the United… …   Wikipedia

  • List of steam energy topics — *portable engine *steam aircraft *(steam ball) aeolipile *(steam bath) sauna *steam brig *steam bus *steam car *steam crane *steam donkey *steam dummy (dummy engine) *(steam electric power plant) fossil fuel power plant (FFPP) *(steam… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure Drop —   The loss in static pressure of a fluid (liquid or gas) in a system due to friction from obstructions in pipes, from valves, fittings, regulators, burners, etc, or by a breech or rupture of the system …   Energy terms

  • Temperature/Pressure Relief Valve —   A component of a water heating system that opens at a designated temperature or pressure to prevent a possible tank, radiator, or delivery pipe rupture …   Energy terms

  • Strong ground motion — Peak ground velocity redirects here. Seismologists usually define strong ground motion as the strong earthquake shaking that occurs close to (less than about 50 km from) a causative fault. The strength of the shaking involved in strong ground… …   Wikipedia

  • энергия активации разрушения горной породы — Параметр, оценивающий в уравнении кинетической теории прочности энергию, необходимую для разрушения кристаллической решетки минералов. [ГОСТ Р 50544 93] Тематики горные породы Обобщающие термины физические свойства горных пород EN activation… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • earthquake — /errth kwayk /, n. 1. a series of vibrations induced in the earth s crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating. 2. something that is severely disruptive; upheaval. [1300 50; ME erthequake …   Universalium

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