- encaustic
- энкаустика (живопись восковыми красками, применяемая в декоративной отделке зданий)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Encaustic — En*caus tic, a. [L. encausticus, Gr. ?, fr. ? to burn in; ? in + ? to burn: cf. F. encaustique. See {Caustic}, and cf. {Ink}.] (Fine Arts) Prepared by means of heat; burned in. [1913 Webster] {Encaustic painting} (Fine Arts), painting by means of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Encaustic — may refer to:*Encaustic painting *Encaustic tile Painted with wax colors filled with heat, or with any process in which colors are burned in … Wikipedia
encaustic — ENCAÚSTIC, Ă, encaustici, ce, s.f., s.m. 1. s.f. (La vechii greci) Procedeu de pictură în care culorile se foloseau diluate cu ceară. 2. s.m. Preparat pe bază de ceară folosit la impregnarea (impregna) statuilor de marmură sau de ipsos pentru a… … Dicționar Român
Encaustic — En*caus tic, n. [L. encaustica, Gr. ? (sc. ?): cf. F. encaustique. See {Encaustic}, a.] The method of painting in heated wax, or in any way where heat is used to fix the colors. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
encaustic — [en kôs′tik] adj. [L encausticus < Gr enkaustikos < enkaustos, burnt in < enkaiein, to burn in < en , in + kaiein, to burn] done by a process of burning in or applying heat [encaustic tile] n. a method of painting in which colors in… … English World dictionary
encaustic — c.1600 (n.); 1650s (adj.), from Gk. enkaustikos, from enkaiein “to burn in” from en (see EN (Cf. en ) (2)) + kaiein to burn (see CAUSTIC (Cf. caustic)) … Etymology dictionary
encaustic — noun Etymology: encaustic, adjective, from Latin encausticus, from Greek enkaustikos, from enkaiein to burn in, from en + kaiein to burn Date: 1601 a paint made from pigment mixed with melted beeswax and resin and after application fixed by heat; … New Collegiate Dictionary
encaustic — encaustically, adv. /en kaw stik/, adj. 1. painted with wax colors fixed with heat, or with any process in which colors are burned in. n. 2. a work of art produced by an encaustic process. [1650 60; < L encausticus < Gk enkaustikós for burning in … Universalium
encaustic — en·caus·tic || en kÉ”Ëstɪk adj. pertaining to a painting technique in which wax based paints are heated and fused together onto a surface (Art) n. painting made using the encaustic technique, painting made by heating wax based paints and… … English contemporary dictionary
encaustic — [ɛn kɔ:stɪk] adjective (in painting and ceramics) decorated by burning in colours as an inlay, especially using coloured clays or pigments mixed with hot wax. noun the art or process of encaustic painting. Origin C16: via L. from Gk enkaustikos,… … English new terms dictionary
encaustic — en•caus•tic [[t]ɛnˈkɔ stɪk[/t]] adj. 1) fia painted with wax colors fixed with heat, or with any process in which colors are burned in 2) fia a work of art produced by an encaustic process • Etymology: 1650–60; < L encausticus < Gk… … From formal English to slang