- electrolysis
- электролиз
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Electrolysis — E lec*trol y*sis, n. [Electro + Gr. ? a loosing, dissolving, fr. ? to loose, dissolve.] (Physics & Chem.) The act or process of chemical decomposition, by the action of electricity; as, the electrolysis of silver or nickel for plating; the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Electrolysis — Electrolysis. См. Электролиз. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
electrolysis — (n.) 1834, introduced by Faraday on the suggestion of the Rev. William Whewell (1794 1866), English polymath, from ELECTRO (Cf. electro ) + Gk. lysis a loosening, from lyein to loosen, set free (see LOSE (Cf. lose)). Originally of tumors, later… … Etymology dictionary
electrolysis — ► NOUN 1) chemical decomposition produced by passing an electric current through a conducting liquid. 2) the breaking up and removal of hair roots or small blemishes on the skin by means of an electric current. DERIVATIVES electrolytic adjective … English terms dictionary
electrolysis — [ē΄lek träl′i sis; ē lek΄träl′i sis, ilek΄träl′i sis] n. [ ELECTRO + LYSIS] 1. the decomposition of an electrolyte by the action of an electric current passing through it 2. the removal of unwanted hair from the body by destroying the hair roots… … English World dictionary
Electrolysis — In chemistry and manufacturing, electrolysis is a method of separating chemically bonded elements and compounds by passing an electric current through them.History*1800 William Nicholson and Johann Ritter decomposed water into hydrogen and oxygen … Wikipedia
electrolysis — /i lek trol euh sis, ee lek /, n. 1. Physical Chem. the passage of an electric current through an electrolyte with subsequent migration of positively and negatively charged ions to the negative and positive electrodes. 2. the destruction of hair… … Universalium
Electrolysis — Permanent removal of body hair, including the hair root, with an electronic device. While it is billed as a permanent process, many people find that hair does grow back (albeit slowly) after electrolysis. Electrolysis may be done by a… … Medical dictionary
electrolysis — [[t]ɪlektrɒ̱lɪsɪs, i͟ː [/t]] N UNCOUNT Electrolysis is the process of passing an electric current through a substance in order to produce chemical changes in the substance. [TECHNICAL] … English dictionary
Electrolysis — A chemical change in a substance that results from the passage of an electric current through an electrolyte. The production of commercial hydrogen by separating the elements of water, hydrogen, and oxygen, by charging the water with an… … Energy terms
electrolysis — n. decomposition of substance by elec. current. ♦ electrolyse, v.t. ♦ electrolyte, n. substance, especially dissolved in liquid, which is separated by current in electrolysis. ♦ electrolytic, a … Dictionary of difficult words