- elastic joint
- упругое соединение
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
joint — /joynt/, n. 1. the place at which two things, or separate parts of one thing, are joined or united, either rigidly or in such a way as to permit motion; juncture. 2. a connection between pieces of wood, metal, or the like, often reinforced with… … Universalium
Joint product pricing — Pricing for joint products is a little more complex than pricing for a single product. To begin with there are two demand curves. The characteristics of each demand curve could be different. Demand for one product could be greater than for the… … Wikipedia
Elastic coupling — Dr. Ing. Leonhard Geislinger invented the torsionally Elastic coupling or also called flexible coupling in 1958. Originally it was a side product of the development for thermo pneumatic locomotives, but unlike the trains, it was a big success.The … Wikipedia
Temporomandibular joint — Infobox Anatomy Name = Temporomandibular joint Latin = articulatio temporomandibularis GraySubject = 75 GrayPage = 297 Caption = Articulation of the mandible. Lateral aspect. Caption2 = Articulation of the mandible. Medial aspect. Precursor =… … Wikipedia
Universal joint — A universal joint, U joint, Cardan joint, Hardy Spicer joint, or Hooke s joint is a joint in a rigid rod that allows the rod to bend in any direction, and is commonly used in shafts that transmit rotary motion. It consists of a pair of ordinary… … Wikipedia
Bolted joint — Bolted joints are one of the most common elements in construction and machine design. They consist of cap screws or studs that capture and join other parts, and are secured with the mating of screw threads.There are two main types of bolted joint … Wikipedia
Slip joint — A slip joint is a mechanical construction allowing extension and compression in a linear structure.General formsSlip joints can be designed to allow continuous relative motion of two components or it can allow an adjustment from one temporarily… … Wikipedia
Union joint — Union Un ion (?; 277), n. [F., from L. unio oneness, union, a single large pearl, a kind of onion, fr. unus one. See {One}, and cf. {Onion}, {Unit}.] 1. The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one, or the state of being united or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
NASA RealWorld-InWorld Engineering Design Challenge — encourages students in grades 7–12 to explore and to build skills for successful careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM fields) through two phases of project based learning and team competition. The RealWorld InWorld… … Wikipedia
Ligament — A ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that connects various structures such as two bones. Ligament is a fitting term; it comes from the Latin ligare meaning to bind or tie. * * * 1. A band or sheet of fibrous tissue connecting two or… … Medical dictionary
muscle — muscleless, adj. muscly, adj. /mus euhl/, n., v., muscled, muscling, adj. n. 1. a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. 2. an organ, composed of muscle tissue, that contracts to produce a… … Universalium