- earth works
- земляные работы
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
Works of art in Buda Castle — Buda Castle (Hungarian: Budai Vár , Turkish: Budin Kalesi ) is the historical castle of the Hungarian kings in Budapest, Hungary. The castle has a long and troubled history with many phases of building, destruction and rebuilding. The Royal… … Wikipedia
Earth in science fiction — Earth An overwhelming majority of fiction is set on or features the Earth. However, authors of speculative fiction novels and writers and directors of science fiction film deal with Earth quite differently from authors of conventional fiction.… … Wikipedia
Earth Day — is one of two observances, both held annually during spring in the northern hemisphere, and autumn in the southern hemisphere. These are intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth s environment. The United Nations celebrates… … Wikipedia
Earth sheltering — is the architectural practice of using earth against building walls for external thermal mass, to reduce heat loss, and to easily maintain a steady indoor air temperature. Earth sheltering is popular in modern times among advocates of passive… … Wikipedia
Earth's gravity — Earth s gravity, denoted by g , refers to the gravitational attraction that the Earth exerts on objects on or near its surface. Its strength is usually quoted in terms of the acceleration it gives to falling bodies (acceleration due to gravity),… … Wikipedia
Earth (Dragon Ball) — Earth (also known as the Dragon World) is a fictional planet, (based on a non fictional planet) inhabited by humans, demons, extraterrestrials, and the like being the main setting for the bulk of the plot of the Dragon Ball manga, the Dragon Ball … Wikipedia
Earth II (TV series pilot) — Earth II was a 1971 pilot, aired November 28, for a television series about a colony established in orbit around the Earth. It starred Gary Lockwood, Anthony Franciosa, Lew Ayres and Mariette Hartley.tory outlineInitially, three men were launched … Wikipedia
Earth structure — can refer to: * Earth sheltering the architectural practice of using earth for external thermal mass against building walls. * Earthworks (engineering) engineering works created through the moving of massive quantities of soil or unformed stone.… … Wikipedia
earth|work — «URTH WURK», noun. 1. a bank of earth piled up for a fortification: »Captain Pilkington…asked the Minister of Works what action he was taking to preserve ancient barrows and earthworks (London Times). 2. a moving of earth in engineering… … Useful english dictionary
Earth Spirit (play) — Earth Spirit (1895) ( Erdgeist ) is a play by the German dramatist Frank Wedekind. It forms the first part of his pairing of Lulu plays (the second is Pandora s Box [1904] ), both of which depict a society riven by the demands of lust and greed… … Wikipedia