- earth lead
- заземлитель, заземляющий провод
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
earth lead — įžeminimo laidas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. earth lead; earth wire; ground conductor; ground wire vok. Erdleitung, f; Erdungsleitung, f rus. заземляющий провод, m; провод заземления, m pranc. conducteur de mise à la terre, m; … Automatikos terminų žodynas
earth lead — įžeminimo laidas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. earth lead vok. Erdleiter, m; Erdleitung, f rus. провод заземления, m pranc. conducteur de terre, m; fil de terre, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
earth wire — įžeminimo laidas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. earth lead; earth wire; ground conductor; ground wire vok. Erdleitung, f; Erdungsleitung, f rus. заземляющий провод, m; провод заземления, m pranc. conducteur de mise à la terre, m; … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Lead-lead dating — is a method for dating geological samples, normally based on whole rock samples of material such as granite. For most dating requirements it has been superseded by uranium lead dating (U Pb dating), but in certain specialized situations (such as… … Wikipedia
Earth and Sky — Earth Sky Album par Graham Nash Sortie 15 février 1980 Durée 35:24 Genre rock Producteur Graham Nash Classement 117e ( … Wikipédia en Français
Earth in science fiction — Earth An overwhelming majority of fiction is set on or features the Earth. However, authors of speculative fiction novels and writers and directors of science fiction film deal with Earth quite differently from authors of conventional fiction.… … Wikipedia
Earth Hour — is an annual international event created by WWF (The World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife Fund), held on the last Saturday of March, that asks households and businesses to turn off their non essential lights and electrical appliances for one … Wikipedia
Earth jurisprudence — is a philosophy of law and human governance that is based on the idea that humans are only one part of a wider community of beings and that the welfare of each member of that community is dependent on the welfare of the Earth as a whole.cite… … Wikipedia
Earth Hour — bzw. Stunde der Erde – auch bekannt unter dem Schlagwort Licht aus – ist der Name einer Umweltschutzaktion, die das Umweltbewusstsein erhöhen und Energiesparen und die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen symbolisch unterstützen soll. Im Jahr 2011 fand … Deutsch Wikipedia
Earth's Children — is a series of historical fiction novels written by Jean M. Auel. There are five novels in the series so far and a sixth is being written. Auel has mentioned in recent interviews that she now believes she will write a seventh novel, which will be … Wikipedia
Earth's radiation balance — is the equation of the incoming and outgoing thermal radiation.The incoming solar radiation is short wave, therefore the equation below is called the short wave radiation balance Qs:::Qs = G R = D + H R or depending on the albedo (back reflection … Wikipedia