Смотреть что такое "dying" в других словарях:
Dying — Dy ing, a. 1. In the act of dying; destined to death; mortal; perishable; as, dying bodies. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to dying or death; as, dying bed; dying day; dying words; also, simulating a dying state. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dying — [dī′iŋ] vi. prp. of DIE1 adj. 1. coming near to an end [a dying culture] 2. of or at the time of death [his dying words] n. a ceasing to live or exist; death … English World dictionary
dying — англ. [да/йинг] dying away [да/йинг эуэ/й] замирая, угасая … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
dying — dying; un·dying; … English syllables
Dying — Dy ing, n. The act of expiring; passage from life to death; loss of life. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dying — index death, expiration, in extremis Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
dying — pres part of DIE * * * dy·ing (diґing) a stage in life; the process of approaching death. It is sometimes divided into the stages of denial and disbelief, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance … Medical dictionary
dying — late 13c., death, verbal noun from DIE (Cf. die) (v.). From mid 15c. as a pp. adj., in the process of becoming dead … Etymology dictionary
dying — [adj] failing, expiring at death’s door*, at end of rope*, decaying, declining, disintegrating, done for*, doomed, ebbing, fading, fated, final, giving up the ghost*, going, in extremis, moribund, mortal, one foot in grave*, on last leg*, passing … New thesaurus
dying — [[t]da͟ɪɪŋ[/t]] 1) Dying is the present participle of die. 2) ADJ: ADJ n A dying person or animal is very ill and likely to die soon. ...a dying man. N PLURAL: the N The dying are people who are dying. By the time our officers arrived, the dead… … English dictionary
dying — dy|ing1 [ˈdaı ıŋ] the present participle of ↑die dying 2 dying2 adj 1.) dying moment/minutes/seconds during the last minutes, seconds etc before something ends ▪ Chandler s goal was in the dying minutes of the game. 2.) [only before noun]… … Dictionary of contemporary English