- dripping
- просачивание; спуск (конденсата); капание
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Dripping — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El dripping (de drip, gotear en inglés) es una técnica pictórica característica de la Action Painting estadounidense. Elaborado en su forma más típica a finales de los años 1940 por Jackson Pollock, el dripping tiene … Wikipedia Español
Dripping — steht für Drip Painting, eine Maltechnik Dripping Springs, eine Stadt im Hays County in Texas, Vereinigte Staaten Siehe auch: Dripper … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dripping — Drip ping, n. 1. A falling in drops, or the sound so made. [1913 Webster] 2. That which falls in drops, as fat from meat in roasting. [1913 Webster] {Dripping pan}, a pan for receiving the fat which drips from meat in roasting. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dripping — ● dripping nom masculin (anglais dripping, de to drip, couler) Procédé pictural qui consiste à faire s égoutter la couleur par le fond percé d un récipient que le peintre déplace au dessus de son œuvre, obtenant ainsi coulures et giclures.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
dripping — [drip′iŋ] adv. so as to drip; thoroughly [dripping wet] n. 1. a falling of liquid drop by drop 2. [usually pl.] anything that drips, esp. the fat and juices that drip from roasting meat … English World dictionary
dripping — /ˈdripin(g), ingl. ˈdrɪpɪŋ/ [vc. ingl., da to drip «sgocciolare»] s. m. inv. (pitt.) sgocciolatura, spruzzo CFR. action painting … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
dripping — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ fat that has melted and dripped from roasting meat. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ extremely wet … English terms dictionary
Dripping — For the general concept of dripping liquid, see drop (liquid). A type of dripping from Yorkshire, United Kingdom, where it is known as mucky fat Dripping, also known usually as beef dripping or more rarely, as pork dripping, is an animal fat… … Wikipedia
Dripping — En arts plastiques (incluant les arts décoratifs), le dripping (de l´anglais to drip, goutter) consiste à faire des superpositions de plusieurs couleurs d un même spectre. Cela se fait sur des surfaces originales, mais aussi sur une toile.… … Wikipédia en Français
dripping — [[t]drɪ̱pɪŋ[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Dripping is the fat which comes out of meat when it is fried or roasted, and which can be used for frying food. 2) PHRASE: usu v link PHR If you are dripping wet, you are so wet that water is dripping from you. We… … English dictionary
dripping — drip|ping [ drıpıŋ ] adjective very wet: She stumbled in from the storm, dripping and cold. dripping wet: The towel is dripping wet … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English