downward convection of air

downward convection of air
поток воздуха, направленный сверху вниз; нисходящая струя воздуха

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "downward convection of air" в других словарях:

  • Convection — This figure shows a calculation for thermal convection in the Earth s mantle. Colors closer to red are hot areas and colors closer to blue are cold areas. A hot, less dense lower boundary layer sends plumes of hot material upwards, and likewise,… …   Wikipedia

  • Convection cell — Altocumulus cloud as seen from the space shuttle. Altocumulus is formed through convective activity. See also: Convection A convection cell is a phenomenon of fluid dynamics that occurs in situations where there are density differences within a… …   Wikipedia

  • convection — n. 1 transference of heat in a gas or liquid by upward movement of the heated and less dense medium. 2 Meteorol. the transfer of heat by the upward flow of hot air or downward flow of cold air. Phrases and idioms: convection current circulation… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Air door — An air door or air curtain is a device used for separating two spaces from each other, usually at the exterior entrance. The most common configuration for air curtains is a downward facing blower fan mounted over an opening. Normally this opening …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric convection — Conditions favorable for thunderstorm types and complexes Atmospheric convection is the result of a parcel environment instability, or temperature difference, layer in the atmosphere. Different lapse rates within dry and moist air lead to… …   Wikipedia

  • Solar air conditioning — refers to any air conditioning (cooling) system that uses solar power. This can be done through passive solar, photovoltaic conversion (sun to electricity), or solar thermal energy conversion. The U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational convection — is a general term for buoyancy induced convection in a gravity field, especially that not due directly to heat. Examples Gravitational heat convection is the same as free convection or natural convection. However, differential buoyancy forces… …   Wikipedia

  • Microburst — Illustration of a microburst. Note the downward motion of the air until it hits ground level. It then spreads outward in all directions. The wind regime in a microburst is opposite to that of a tornado …   Wikipedia

  • Properties of water — H2O and HOH redirect here. For other uses, see H2O (disambiguation) and HOH (disambiguation). This article is about the physical and chemical properties of pure water. For general discussion and its distribution and importance in life, see Water …   Wikipedia

  • Trickling filter — A trickling filter consists of a fixed bed of rocks, gravel, slag, polyurethane foam, sphagnum peat moss, or plastic media over which sewage or other wastewater flows downward and causes a layer or film of microbial slime to grow, covering the… …   Wikipedia

  • Industrial wastewater treatment — covers the mechanisms and processes used to treat waters that have been contaminated in some way by anthropogenic industrial or commercial activities prior to its release into the environment or its re use.Most industries produce some wet waste… …   Wikipedia

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