- doped silicon
- легированный кремний
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
phosphorous doped silicon dioxide — fosforu legiruotas silicio dioksidas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. phosphorous doped silicon dioxide vok. phosphordotiertes Siliziumdioxid, n rus. диоксид кремния, легированный фосфором, m pranc. dioxyde de silicium dopé… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
neutron-doped silicon — neutronais legiruotas silicis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. neutron doped silicon vok. neutronendotiertes Silizium, n rus. нейтронно легированный кремний, m; трансмутационно легированный кремний, m pranc. silicium dopé par … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
silicon — /sil i keuhn, kon /, n. Chem. a nonmetallic element, having amorphous and crystalline forms, occurring in a combined state in minerals and rocks and constituting more than one fourth of the earth s crust: used in steelmaking, alloys, etc. Symbol … Universalium
Silicon — Not to be confused with the silicon containing synthetic polymer silicone. aluminium ← silicon → phosphorus C ↑ Si ↓ Ge … Wikipedia
doped — adjective a) Drugged. He was so doped after the surgery that it took him 2 hours to remember his name. b) Describing a semiconductor that has had small amounts of elements added to create charge carriers. The silicon was doped with boron to make… … Wiktionary
Polycrystalline silicon — Polycrystalline silicon, also called polysilicon, is a material consisting of small silicon crystals. It differs from single crystal silicon, used for electronics and solar cells, and from amorphous silicon, used for thin film devices and solar… … Wikipedia
Crystalline silicon — is a material consisting of one or more small silicon crystals. Polycrystalline silicon Polycrystalline silicon (or polysilicon, poly Si, or simply poly in context) is a material consisting of multiple small silicon crystals.Polycrystalline… … Wikipedia
Amorphous silicon — (a Si) is the non crystalline allotropic form of silicon. Silicon is a four fold coordinated atom that is normally tetrahedrally bonded to four neighboring silicon atoms. In crystalline silicon this tetrahedral structure is continued over a large … Wikipedia
Monocrystalline silicon — Unit cell of silicon; diamond cubic structure, lattice spacing 5.43071 Å … Wikipedia
Diode — Figure 1: Closeup of a diode, showing the square shaped semiconductor crystal (black object on left) … Wikipedia
Semiconductor — Citations missing|date=March 2008A semiconductor is a solid material that has electrical conductivity in between a conductor and an insulator; it can vary over that wide range either permanently or dynamically. [. They are used in many… … Wikipedia