- diversion work
- водозаборное сооружение
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Diversion Investigator — (DI) is the title of a specialist position within the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the United States Department of Justice. Most DIs are part of DEA s Diversion Control Program and are assigned to various DEA field offices throughout… … Wikipedia
diversion — [n1] change in a course, path aberration, alteration, deflection, departure, detour, deviation, digression, divergence, fake out*, red herring*, turning, variation; concepts 501,738 Ant. conforming, staying diversion [n2] entertainment,… … New thesaurus
diversion — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. amusement, entertainment, divertisement, pastime, recreation, sport; variation, change, deviation.See refreshment. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The act of changing a course] Syn. detour, alteration,… … English dictionary for students
diversion program — A disposition of a criminal defendant either before or after adjudication of guilt in which the court directs the defendant to participate in a work or educational program as part of a probation … Black's law dictionary
diversion program — A disposition of a criminal defendant either before or after adjudication of guilt in which the court directs the defendant to participate in a work or educational program as part of a probation … Black's law dictionary
Commodity Pathway Diversion — Contents 1 Commodity Pathway Diversion 2 Commodity Flow 3 Commodity Situation 4 Commodity Pathways and Diversions: Origination … Wikipedia
Double diversion — The Double Diversion is two part theory about environmental harm that was developed by William Freudenburg and colleagues beginning in the 1990s, and focusing on disproportionality and distraction. The concept of disproportionality involves the… … Wikipedia
Pharmaceutical diversion — is the illegal diversion of prescription drugs.... [ [http://www.rxdiversion.com/ RxDiversion.com web page] ] It is, simply put, the diversion of licit drugs for illicit purposes. [ [http://www.qsl.net/w5www/diversion.html Drug Diversion 101 web… … Wikipedia
Forensic Social Work — is a branch of Social work that deals with the practice of social work in criminal and civil law settings. Forensic social workers are employed in a variety of settings, such as psychiatric hospitals,state and municipal agencies and by law… … Wikipedia
New Adventure Diversion Tunnel — The New Adventure Tunnel, or Griffith s Tunnel is a Victorian gold rush diversion tunnel on Livingston Creek in Omeo, Victoria, Australia. The diversion consists of a 20 m long cutting and a 75 m long tunnel. The large pool at the tunnel entrance … Wikipedia
Notable Civil Engineering Projects (in work or completed, 2008) — ▪ Table Notable Civil Engineering Projects (in work or completed, 2008) Name Location Year of completion Notes Airports Terminal area (sq m) Beijing Capital (new Terminal 3) northeast of Beijing 986,000 2008 Opened Feb. 29; is the world s largest … Universalium