- diffused solar radiation
- рассеянная солнечная радиация
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Solar thermal collector — A solar thermal collector is a solar collector specifically intended to collect heat: that is, to absorb sunlight to provide heat. Although the term may be applied to simple solar hot water panels, it is usually used to denote more complex… … Wikipedia
solar energy — energy derived from the sun in the form of solar radiation. Also called solar. * * * Radiation from the Sun that can produce heat, generate electricity, or cause chemical reactions. Solar energy is inexhaustible and nonpolluting, but it is not an … Universalium
Solar cell — A solar cell made from a monocrystalline silicon wafer … Wikipedia
радиация солнечная рассеянная — Энергетическая освещенность, создаваемая рассеянным в атмосфере и отраженным от земной поверхности солнечным излучением, поступающим из телесного угла 2 пи, за исключением телесного угла, ограниченного солнечным диском. [РД 01.120.00 КТН 228 06]… … Справочник технического переводчика
РАДИАЦИЯ СОЛНЕЧНАЯ РАССЕЯННАЯ — солнечная радиация, претерпевшая рассеяние в атмосфере и поступающая непосредственно от небесного свода на единицу поверхности за единицу времени (Болгарский язык; Български) разсеяна слънчева радиация (Чешский язык; Čeština) rozptýlené sluneční… … Строительный словарь
Sunlight — This article is about light emitted by the Sun. For other uses, see Sunlight (disambiguation). Sunshine redirects here. For other uses, see Sunshine (disambiguation). For natural lighting of interior spaces by admitting sunlight, see Daylighting … Wikipedia
atmosphere — atmosphereless, adj. /at meuhs fear /, n., v., atmosphered, atmosphering. n. 1. the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth; the air. 2. this medium at a given place. 3. Astron. the gaseous envelope surrounding a heavenly body. 4. Chem. any… … Universalium
agricultural technology — Introduction application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… … Universalium
lake — lake1 /layk/, n. 1. a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land. 2. any similar body or pool of other liquid, as oil. 3. (go) jump in the lake, (used as an exclamation of dismissal or impatience.) [bef. 1000; ME lak(e) … Universalium
Lake — /layk/, n. Simon, 1866 1945, U.S. engineer and naval architect. * * * I Relatively large body of slow moving or standing water that occupies an inland basin. Lakes are most abundant in high northern latitudes and in mountain regions, particularly … Universalium
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium