- сокр. от dissolved inorganic carbonрастворённый неорганический углерод
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
DIC — may refer to: Contents 1 Science 2 Medicine 3 Entertainment 4 Other uses Science Differential interference cont … Wikipedia
dic´ta|to´ri|al|ly — dic|ta|to|ri|al «DIHK tuh TR ee uhl, TOHR », adjective. 1. of or like that of a dictator; absolute: »That country has a dictatorial government. SYNONYM(S): autocratic. 2. fond of commanding and giving orders; domineering; overbearing: »The… … Useful english dictionary
dic|ta|to|ri|al — «DIHK tuh TR ee uhl, TOHR », adjective. 1. of or like that of a dictator; absolute: »That country has a dictatorial government. SYNONYM(S): autocratic. 2. fond of commanding and giving orders; domineering; overbearing: »The younger children… … Useful english dictionary
dic — (en citogenética) abreviatura de dicéntrico. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
DiC — es un estudio de la producción de la película, fundado en 1971 en Luxemburgo, y abertura sus jefaturas de Estados Unidos en Burbank, California en 1983. La compañía produce muchas demostraciones y specials de la televisión, y de vez en cuando… … Enciclopedia Universal
dic — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
dic|er — «DY suhr», noun. 1. a person who plays at dice. 2. a device for cutting into small cubes. 3. Slang. a hat, especially a stiff hat: »Enveloped in a billowing vicuña coat, a green velours dicer cocked on his head... (New Yorker) … Useful english dictionary
dic|ta|to|ry — «DIHK tuh TR ee, TOHR », adjective. = dictatorial. (Cf. ↑dictatorial) … Useful english dictionary
dic|ta — «DIHK tuh», noun. dictums; a plural of dictum: »He did not expect his dicta to be taken with such seriousness by so many (Atlantic) … Useful english dictionary
dic|ty — «DIHK tee», adjective, ti|er, ti|est. U.S. Slang. 1. high class; high style. 2. excellent: »... a dicty cure for spasms (New Yorker). Also … Useful english dictionary
dic — ad·dic·tion; ae·dic·u·la; ae·dic·u·lar; an·a·car·dic; ap·o·dic·tic; ap·pen·dic·u·lar; ap·pen·dic·u·la·ta; ap·pen·dic·u·late; ar·che·dic·ty·on; as·ci·dic·o·lous; as·dic; ben·e·dic·tin·ism; ben·e·dic·tion; ben·e·dic·tive; ben·e·dic·to·ry;… … English syllables