- diarrheal disease
- заболевание, связанное с расстройством пищеварения
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Disease surveillance in China — Further information: Disease surveillance Surveillance for communicable diseases is the main public health surveillance activity in China. Currently, the disease surveillance system in China has three major components:[1] National Disease… … Wikipedia
Disease, inflammatory bowel — A group of chronic intestinal diseases characterized by inflammation of the bowel the large or small intestine. The most common types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease. Crohn disease favors the ileum… … Medical dictionary
Johne's disease — /yoh neuhz/, Vet. Pathol. a chronic diarrheal disease of cattle and sheep caused by infection with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, an organism related to the tubercle bacillus. [1905 10; named after H. A. Johne (1839 1910), German scientist] * *… … Universalium
Johne's disease — Joh′ne s disease [[t]ˌyoʊ nəz[/t]] n. vet a chronic diarrheal disease of cattle and sheep caused by a bacillus Mycobacterium paratuberculosis[/ex] • Etymology: 1905–10; after H. A. Johne (1839–1910), German scientist … From formal English to slang
pullorum disease — pul•lo′rum disease [[t]pəˈlɔr əm, ˈloʊr [/t]] n. vet a frequently fatal diarrheal disease of young poultry caused by the bacterium Salmonella pullorum and transmitted by the infected hen to the egg • Etymology: 1925–30; < NL (Bacterium)… … From formal English to slang
pullorum disease — [pul lōr′əm, pullôr′əm] n. [< ModL ( salmonella) pullorum, the infecting bacterium < gen. pl. of L pullus: see POULTRY] a severe, diarrheal disease of young poultry, caused by a bacterium (Salmonella pullorum) and usually transmitted by the … English World dictionary
Waterborne bacterial disease — An illness due to infection with bacteria contaminating the water supply. Waterborne bacterial diseases cause a wide range of syndromes including: acute dehydrating diarrhea (cholera), prolonged febrile illness with abdominal symptoms (typhoid… … Medical dictionary
Infectious disease — Classification and external resources A false colored electron micrograph shows a malaria sporozoite migrating through the midgut epithelia. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Health and Disease — ▪ 2009 Introduction Food and Drug Safety. In 2008 the contamination of infant formula and related dairy products with melamine in China led to widespread health problems in children, including urinary problems and possible renal tube… … Universalium
nutritional disease — Introduction any of the nutrient related diseases and conditions that cause illness in humans. They may include deficiencies or excesses in the diet, obesity and eating disorders, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease,… … Universalium
Chagas disease — Classification and external resources … Wikipedia