development axis

development axis
ось, направление застройки

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "development axis" в других словарях:

  • Axis of evil — is a term coined by United States President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002 in order to describe governments that he accused of helping terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction. President Bush named… …   Wikipedia

  • axis — axis1 [ak′sis] n. pl. axes [ak′sēz΄] [L, axle, axis < IE * aks < base * aĝ (see ACT1) > OE eax, ON ǫxull, Gr axōn, L axilla] 1. a real or imaginary straight line on which an object rotates or is regarded as rotating [the axis of a… …   English World dictionary

  • Axis Communications — Infobox Company company name = Axis Communications AB company company type = Public foundation = 1984 location = Lund, Sweden key people = Founder Mikael Karlsson Martin Gren President CEO Ray Mauritsson CFO Fredrik Sjöstrand num employees =564… …   Wikipedia

  • axis — axis1 axised /ak sist/, adj. /ak sis/, n., pl. axes /ak seez/. 1. the line about which a rotating body, such as the earth, turns. 2. Math. a. a central line that bisects a two dimensional body or figure. b. a line about which a three dimensional… …   Universalium

  • Axis Tower — Infobox Skyscraper building name = Axis, Manchester caption = Axis Tower with LCD Screen location = Manchester, England coordinates = coord|53|28|52|N|2|15|09|W|type:landmark status = Under Construction constructed = 2007 2010 use = Office roof …   Wikipedia

  • axis — ax•is [[t]ˈæk sɪs[/t]] n. pl. ax•es [[t]ˈæk siz[/t]] 1) geo the line about which a rotating body, such as the earth, turns 2) math. anat. a) a central line that bisects a two dimensional body or figure b) a line about which a three dimensional… …   From formal English to slang

  • Development of Spore — Spore is a video game developed by Maxis and designed by Will Wright, released in September 2008. The game has drawn wide attention for its ability to simulate the development of a species on a galactic scope, using its innovation of user guided… …   Wikipedia

  • Development Credit Bank — DCB Bank (Development Credit Bank Limited) Type Public (BSE: 532772) Industry Banking Financial services Headquarte …   Wikipedia

  • Development of Japanese tanks in World War II — The Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) initially purchased foreign tanks for evaluation during World War I, and began developing its own indigenous designs during the late 1920s.Initial tank procurementNear the end of World War I, the IJA showed an… …   Wikipedia

  • axis of evil — noun a) A group of states sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction, originally defined as including Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. b) A preferential axis which may have shaped the development of the universe, sometimes… …   Wiktionary

  • axis —   Central line of development of a plant or organ, e.g. the main stem of a plant or the rachis of a leaf …   Expanded glossary of Cycad terms

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