- desiccator
- сушильный прибор; испаритель
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Desiccator — Des ic*ca tor, n. 1. One who, or that which, desiccates. [1913 Webster] 2. (Chem.) A short glass jar fitted with an air tight cover, and containing some desiccating agent, as sulphuric acid, phosphorus pentoxide, or calcium chloride, above which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
desiccator — [des′i kāt΄ər] n. 1. an apparatus for drying foods, etc., esp. by heat 2. a chemist s device containing a water absorbing material, used to dry or store substances … English World dictionary
Desiccator — For dry boxes and cabinets, see dry box. A desiccator (right) and a vacuum desiccator (left) note the stopcock which allows a vacuum to be applied. The blue silica gel in the space below the platform is used as the desiccant. Desiccators are… … Wikipedia
desiccator — eksikatorius statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Storasienis stiklinis indas medžiagoms lėtai džiovinti arba saugoti nuo drėgmės. atitikmenys: angl. desiccator rus. эксикатор … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
desiccator — eksikatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. desiccator; exsiccator vok. Exsikkator, m rus. эксикатор, m pranc. exsiccateur, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
desiccator — noun see desiccate … New Collegiate Dictionary
Desiccator — Exsiccator mit Silicagel Ein Exsikkator (auch: Exsiccator, von lat. exsiccare: austrocknen) ist ein chemisches Laborgerät, das hauptsächlich zur Trocknung fester chemischer Stoffe in der präparativen Chemie Verwendung findet. Bei einem Exsikkator … Deutsch Wikipedia
desiccator — /des i kay teuhr/, n. 1. an apparatus for drying fruit, milk, etc. 2. Chem. a. an apparatus for absorbing the moisture present in a chemical substance. b. an airtight, usually glass container containing calcium chloride or some other drying agent … Universalium
desiccator — noun A closed glass vessel containing a desiccant (such as silica gel) used in laboratories for drying materials or for keeping them dry … Wiktionary
desiccator — 1. SYN: desiccant (2). 2. An apparatus, such as a glass chamber containing calcium chloride, sulfuric acid, or other drying agent, in which a material is placed for drying. vacuum d. a d. that can be evacuated. * * * des·ic· … Medical dictionary
desiccator — des·ic·cator || desɪkeɪtÉ™(r) n. dryer, dehydrator, device which removes all moisture from food … English contemporary dictionary