- delivery order
- распоряжение о выдачи товара со склада
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
delivery order — ➔ order1 * * * delivery order UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION D/O) ► COMMERCE, TRANSPORT a document giving written instructions from a person selling goods that they should be given or taken to the buyer: »The buyer handed over his delivery order to … Financial and business terms
delivery-order — ● delivery order, delivery orders nom masculin (anglais delivery order, ordre de livraison) Lettre émanant du porteur du connaissement, adressée généralement au capitaine du navire et l invitant à délivrer à l ordre d une personne désignée une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Delivery order — [dɪ lɪvərɪ ɔːdə, englisch] die, / s, Abkürzung d/o, Auslieferungsschein … Universal-Lexikon
Delivery order — Admiralty law History … Wikipedia
Delivery Order — De|li|ve|ry Or|der [di livəri ɔ:də] die; , s <aus gleichbed. engl. delivery order zu delivery »Lieferung« u. order »Anordnung«> Auslieferungsschein … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
delivery order — A written document from the owner of goods to the holder of the goods (e. g. a warehouse company) instructing them to release the goods to the firm named on the delivery order or to the bearer (if made out to bearer ). A delivery order backed by… … Big dictionary of business and management
delivery order — {{hw}}{{delivery order}}{{/hw}}locuz. sost. m. (pl. ingl. delivery orders ) Nella pratica commerciale, ordine di consegna emesso dal vettore | Nel trasporto marittimo, titolo di credito trasferibile mediante girata … Enciclopedia di italiano
delivery order — de·li·ve·ry or·der loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS comm. → buono di consegna | nei trasporti marittimi, titolo di credito trasferibile mediante girata {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1930. ETIMO: comp. di delivery consegna e order ordine … Dizionario italiano
delivery order — An order drawn by the owner of goods on the bailee of them, directing their delivery to a third party … Ballentine's law dictionary
Delivery Order (D/O) — die (meist formgebundene) Aufforderung des Wareneigentümers an den Lagerhalter oder Frachtführer, eine Ware an die in der D/O bezeichnete berechtigte Person oder Firma auszuhändigen, ggf. gebunden an besondere Bedingungen (⇡ Zahlungsbedingungen) … Lexikon der Economics
delivery order — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri ˌɔ:də/ noun the instructions given by the customer to the person holding her goods, to tell her where and when to deliver them … Marketing dictionary in english