degree of hardness

degree of hardness
степень твёрдости

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "degree of hardness" в других словарях:

  • degree of hardness — kietumo laipsnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. degree of hardness; hardness number vok. Härtegrad, m; Härtezahl, f rus. степень твёрдости, f; число твёрдости, n pranc. degré de dureté, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • hardness number — kietumo laipsnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. degree of hardness; hardness number vok. Härtegrad, m; Härtezahl, f rus. степень твёрдости, f; число твёрдости, n pranc. degré de dureté, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Degree — may refer to: Contents 1 As a unit of measurement 2 In mathematics 3 In education …   Wikipedia

  • degree — ► NOUN 1) the amount, level, or extent to which something happens or is present. 2) a unit of measurement of angles, equivalent to one ninetieth of a right angle. 3) a unit in a scale of temperature, intensity, hardness, etc. 4) an academic rank… …   English terms dictionary

  • degree —    1. (° or deg)    the standard unit of angle measure, equal to 1/360 circle, 60 minutes, 3600 seconds, or about 0.017 453 293 radian. So far as we know, this unit was introduced by the Greek geometer Hipparchus of Nicaea (ca. 180 ca. 125 BC),… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • hardness — /hahrd nis/, n. 1. the state or quality of being hard: the hardness of ice. 2. a relative degree or extent of this quality: wood of a desirable hardness. 3. that quality in water that is imparted by the presence of dissolved salts, esp. calcium… …   Universalium

  • hardness — water with a high mineral content, the name deriving from the fact that it is hard to develop a lather for cleaning. The concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in water is expressed as p.p.m. or mg/l of calcium carbonate equivalents. Soft… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • hardness — 1. The degree of firmness of a solid, as determined by its resistance to deformation, scratching, or abrasion. SEE ALSO: h. scale, number. 2. The relative penetrating power of a beam of x rays, used both within the diagnostic range of …   Medical dictionary

  • Degree symbol — This article describes the typographical or mathematical symbol. For other meanings, see Degree. ° Degree symbol Punctuation …   Wikipedia

  • degree — n. 1 a stage in an ascending or descending scale, series, or process. 2 a stage in intensity or amount (to a high degree; in some degree). 3 relative condition (each is good in its degree). 4 Math. a unit of measurement of angles, one ninetieth… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hardness number — a number indicative of the degree of relative hardness of materials. See Brinell, Knoop, Rockwell, and Vickers hardness n …   Medical dictionary

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